Indoor The Devil and the Rose

Hell yeah bro you know it. I have Sat-Mon off, so I'll have time to prep. BHO, edibles, smokes, a few new contraptions, and I'm ready to go!

Ironic that you mention shrooms as I just experienced my very first a few days ago!

Ain't played with shrooms in a long while, but I miss the ride!! Used to love 'shrooming!!

try grandkids and shit :tiphat:


Dudes...I just hit the big 40 yesterday!! I have a 12yr old kid and I am feeling old as shit right now!! Lmao baaaaah

Damn! So close to 4/20! You were born to be a pothead!! Hope you enjoyed your day, you boss! The new avi is slick!

What a trip jt. You 10 days older than me. almost 420 for both of us.I pictured Anasazi mid 20z. And I figured you was bout 45 need.I knew bandit was same age as me.what's up with all your old assess having young old ladys? it's always been the opposite for me.I never get to pick, I always get picked.lmfao

My girl chose me! I even tried to tell her, "look, baby girl, you fuckin' wit somethin' like a pimp right about now! I move too fast for your innocent lil ass." LMFAO!! Well, the conversation didn't go EXACTLY like that, but y'all get my point. Any who, she wasn't trying to hear the shit I was talking, and here we are 16 years and two kids later! Whenever she gets to getting too cute, I always remind her, "look, girl, you chose this! Try to fight the feeling, but you wants all of this!" LMFAO!!

I can't speak for the rest faded, but playing in bands always cancelled out the age difference, besides the occasional one who liked em older. My last ex had just turned 21 and new to the bar scene when we met and I was around 44 ... getting em young and break em in right lol :peace:

You know it!!! Break 'em down, then break 'em in!

I am ten years older than my wife it keeps me young I can tell you that much. She has never smoked herbs either but can grow with the best of them. I smoke so much when I was younger there is no way I could go with someone who smoked lol Age is only a frame of mind the heart leads you

The age difference definitely keeps you young! I'm just wondering when I gotta start ordering the "Big Blue" pills to keep up with the demand! LOL!

Damn yall old lol im 23!! Happy bday Faded and JT!! And where tf is bandit feel like i havent seen him in weeks.

What it is, bro-ham! Damn, you still got titty milk on your breath, youngster!! LOL! Enjoy the 20's Jay, cuz soon as you blink, you're pushing 35!
Been anxiously waiting for things to feel like it's all good so I can drop my dragon beans, because my ass is fiending! Ain't no light or fan noise in my cab, and it's driving me ballistic! Trying to figure something out so I can get shit cranked up this weekend, but we'll see...

It was an awesome day bro..but I hear ya. I've had those kinda 420's as well..

But hopefully won't have to revisit those days. Ever!!
Damn you still haven't finished this grow. What the hell bandit.
Good to see ya back bro. You know your family worries about you when you don't pop in and sound off on a regular basis. lol Glad everything is ok:grin:
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Thanks, Duckster. I'm all good, just been doing my daddy thing something serious lately so I won't think about how much I wanna be growing. I'll be back in the thick of it soon, bro. Believe that!
Good deal dude. I'm sure your jars are almost full, so don't de jonesing on the lack of a grow. I know it's hard farmer GB but you can hang. Baseball season is starting so get out there and coach them boys dad. Just drop in now and again and let the family know that you're cool. No bitching - Just say "Yes Mom" and be done. lmao
Haha...the Bandit Lives!! I was born to be a pothead!! I definitely found my calling! Lmao I'm kinda suprised no body noticed the twerk off in the pic I posted. Lmao sorta like a where's Waldo kinda thing...where's da booty?! Lol the event was asked to work it again next year soo stoked about that. And thanks...I thought the old avi needed an upgrade. Anyway glad to see ur alive and well bro..
Good deal dude. I'm sure your jars are almost full, so don't de jonesing on the lack of a grow. I know it's hard farmer GB but you can hang. Baseball season is starting so get out there and coach them boys dad. Just drop in now and again and let the family know that you're cool. No bitching - Just say "Yes Mom" and be done. lmao

LOL! Yeah, man! I'm fiending bad! Like a damn junky! It's all good, though. Trying to stay preoccupied, but it's hard! I'm gonna see what I can find out, and if nothing is in the air, I'm opening shop back up next weekend. These mufukaz are killing me silently when my cab is shut down!

Haha...the Bandit Lives!! I was born to be a pothead!! I definitely found my calling! Lmao I'm kinda suprised no body noticed the twerk off in the pic I posted. Lmao sorta like a where's Waldo kinda thing...where's da booty?! Lol the event was asked to work it again next year soo stoked about that. And thanks...I thought the old avi needed an upgrade. Anyway glad to see ur alive and well bro..

Yes, I live! But it doesn't feel like living if I'm not growing!!! Sounds like has a new rising star in their midst! Working the Cup again next year, huh? How awesome is that?! The word is that a pretty swell cup for DC is in the plans, and I have been made aware that if it goes down as planned, my services will be needed! I'm trying to reach your level, bruh!