Indoor The Devil and the Rose

Super awesome cab bro! And your ladies are looking awesome!! You have Def made great use of your I see what all the secret squirrel shite was
Thanks, JT! The next time I do a cab, I think I'm gonna try to build it from the ground up. Now that I'v done a couple of conversions, I wanna try building a totally, built from scratch box. Once I get my filter, which will be here next week, the cab will be complete. Well, except for the weather stripping I need to pick up and install. Oh, and more light! I could always do with some more light!

Day 31

Gave the girls a nice good feed today, and I think I've settled on a schedule of a heavy feed day (15% runoff), followed by a light watering of molasses, blackstrap, and water solution, followed by a dry day. In the meantime, I gotta get this soil pH raised, because I don't like how it's been hovering around 5.8. Today, the pH of the solution was at 7, but the A8 was still reading the soil at 5.8ish. Not. Good.

Sugah & Mystique Top View - Day 31.jpgGroup Shot - Day 31.jpgGroup Shot To View - Day 31.jpg
Super duper !
Bandit, looks great man. You did a really good job with your cab (almost as good as mine haha jk). But seriously man I'm really glad to see you are scrogging because I was a little concerned when you mentioned you might not scrog this time. This is starting to get good!
Yeah, man! At first I wasn't gonna because of the different heights and finishing times, but I said screw it. Right now, the learning is just as important as the end result, and I ain't gonna learn how to master this scrog technique if I'm bailing out every time there is a little issue. Hands up, chin down, and roll with the punches as they come!
What up, Bonez?! Welcome to my neck of the woods, bro! Glad you were able to slide thru!
What up, Bonez?! Welcome to my neck of the woods, bro! Glad you were able to slide thru!

yeah man i wanna see how that grow is gonna turn out...! especially that Dark Devil i happen to have that strain saved in my favs at the "attitude" as a possible future grow...! lol i completely forgot about it and then realized thats one of the strains that you was running...! lol i new Dark Devil looked familiar
TGB! Awesome ladies and side lighting you got going on. Love those T5 sunblasters and the reflectors.

I'm sure you'll get your ph in check shortly, ladies look healthy. I assume the A8 reading was after feeding? Any chance you took a reading before when the soil was dry?

Keep it green homie

Oowee the setup is clean bro. I really like how the t5s fitted under the scrog like that, great idea!