Yeah me to S a H but apparently my question called for a smart ass answer. If I had time to read threw over 500 post then I guess I could have knew the answer to my question.
I just ask because this thread is becoming a monster to look through for info at 55 pages.
where is the roll eyes smillie ?
PLEASE go back to the beginning of the thread and READ it
edit, "An airstone was used by me initially as it is proven that an elevated dissolved oxygen
level in the water during electrolysis of the silver anodes allows a more efficient process and thus a smaller particle"
as for the rest of what you said/asked ,,,,,, i thought this was a step by step tutorial , and a GOOD ONE , not one of the crap youtube ones done by people who have no clue what they are doing
if you wish to stray from this thread/tutorial so be it , but dont expect very good results
i repeat , go back to page 1 and READ
Yoda's condensed tutorial to make CS. First off you need to obtain the silver you will be using... Many places on the net to source 99.99 (if ya can get it, 99.999%) silver wires, you need two aprox 6" to 8" in length. Next you need a power supply you can either use one 9v battery (I see people stack them and use more, but why? We don't want to rush the process as we are aiming for smallest silver particles possible that the plant will be able to absorb, the higher the power supply the quicker the silver is released into the water and in larger particles) we want slow and easy folks, also you can get a power charger from old cell phone or a variable volt one from radio shack, preferably 600mha of lower and 3v to 9v, I've found in the 5.x range the sweet spot), if you go with battery you need to get a radio shack those clips that you connect a 9v battery to that have two wires coming off it, now either you can get fancy and solder the wires to the silver wires or can even just wrap the wire around the silver and use electrical tape... Now you have you CS generator.Never looked at the title the only reason I ever posted on this thread is I saw a post and commented on it. Guess I should have been a little more observant. @Yoda no I didn't know this was a tutorial thread bro if I had I would have never asked the question like I did. As for me asking about the air stone I was asking the other day "1 or 2 pages back" about where to get the things I needed to make CS and someone told me a aquarium pump and airstone so I was just curious on what to do with it as I thought I knew how to make it but I didn't know how to make it using the pump and airstone. So I ask and then all this started should have simply told me look on page one or asked me if I had read threw the thread. But I'm over it I just know not to ask any questions anymore. Sorry for causing such a mess in your thread Bob_B1tch1n
This IS a great thread! BUT, it is now 55 pages long. What would be great would be if someone could take your core information you posted in the beginning, and turn it into a FAQ, as there are some basic questions that have been asked that are relevant. A closed FAQ type of post would be very benefical. I too sifted thru many pages to answer a question i had and felt like this thread has lost its way, as we all know, many people see the recent posts to a thread like this, and never go to the beginning. Closing this thread and making a FAQ or Sticky thats closed would keep the great information in this easily available. People who posted questions about the subject could do so in the general forum, etc and not pollute the source information. Question could be first refered to the FAQ, then if needed, further dicussion in a new thread would be appropriate, and would keep the source information clean.
Just a thought, and as I said, this is a great thread. just way too long.
Yoda's condensed tutorial to make CS. First off you need to obtain the silver you will be using... Many places on the net to source 99.99 (if ya can get it, 99.999%) silver wires, you need two aprox 6" to 8" in length. Next you need a power supply you can either use one 9v battery (I see people stack them and use more, but why? We don't want to rush the process as we are aiming for smallest silver particles possible that the plant will be able to absorb, the higher the power supply the quicker the silver is released into the water and in larger particles) we want slow and easy folks, also you can get a power charger from old cell phone or a variable volt one from radio shack, preferably 600mha of lower and 3v to 9v, I've found in the 5.x range the sweet spot), if you go with battery you need to get a radio shack those clips that you connect a 9v battery to that have two wires coming off it, now either you can get fancy and solder the wires to the silver wires or can even just wrap the wire around the silver and use electrical tape... Now you have you CS generator.
nect step is to make the brewing chamber... I found a quart mason jar works best... I than take the lid and use a nail to make three holes in the lid. One opposite from each other near the edge of the lid(these holes are where you'll put your wires which you want a few inches apart from each other so they don't touch) I than out a hole in the middle of the lid and this is where I run the air line with air stone through.....
Now when putting the wires through the lid try to use something like tape on each side of the lid so the wires are not touching the lid(otherwise if they do it will use that metal as well creating rust and a mess) fill jar with distilled water turn power on... Now I let or sit for 24hrs the first 8to10hrs nothing really is required... But. Than you'll notice the silver wires becoming black, take them out and use a green scouring pad and wipe them off and put back in (may have to do it earlier than that but not frequent) as the ppms rise the quicker the wires will become dirty and the more often you'll have to wipe them.... Let this go for a day or so and your aiming for a ppm of 20+ no need to go higher than 25 IMHO. Also I've used the plastic containers maragin comes in to make smaller batches and I think the lid is nicer as it's plastic and no worries about the other metal...
That's pretty much the dumb downed tutorial on CS....
:Sharing One:
Edit: not only do you now know how to make CS to reverse plants you can now how a very powerful antiseptic/biotic to help use in the upcoming zombie apocalypse :launch::launch:
Yoda, this and the original cover the mechanics of this process simply and succinctly. What it doesn't answer, and more than one person eventually ask in the thread is: When and how to apply? When should you use it on an Autoflower? When should you use it on a photoperiod? How much should you use? How often should you use it? Has anyone every tested to see what the minimum/maximum number of applications are? How much should I make per plant? I'm sure there are other question that could be added to this list. And most of the answers are in the thread. just now its become time consuming to find these answers.
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