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Zamnesia G.O.T.Y 2nd Leg
Gorilla Glue Auto
Day 79

Chopping day final pic :woohoo1:

@HighnDry :pass:
Depends. You can take some cutting now while it's in veg that way if you like what the mother plant comes out like come harvest you have the clones already. Some people wait till the plants just about ready for harvest and then cut and re-veg the plant. I just took around 40 clones from the OG and bubba kushs so I have the genetics in the library. It's super simple to clone and is the best way to grow commercially and is the biggest bennifit of growing photoperiods. You can go with rapid rooters or rockwool. I do both but the rapid rooters are faster for me but rockwool holds more moisture and alot more roots. I use the 1.5 square cubes. Here's a few pictures of my clones right now. They are 5-9 days old. If ya have any questions just shoot me a message.View attachment 1078512 View attachment 1078513 View attachment 1078514 View attachment 1078515
Damn bro!! Thats a nice lookin clone. Sure thing bro i hit u up. This my homie @Shopboys420 helped me drop this girl from a 10 gallon into a 45. I just set the smart pot into the smart pot. Roots were comin out the bottom but i didnt wanna cut the bottom and hit the roots. Also the cage woulda been a bitch so im sure she will grow through. Either way she wouldn't have made it to end of season. I don't even know what soil she was in and she was startin to get red leaf and stem and i dont think its genetic. Anyway we see what happens
and my blue cookies is in 15 gallon so i hope she dont get root bound. Have to water everyday
Sorry about the late reply harvesting tons an its summer so no school for my autistic son an bein a one man team it ain't easy friend but I'm taking care of business.
Update Week 11

Tag:- @archie gemmill

This is my H.S.O. General Battle Plant, Week 11, and what a plant she has turned out to be...

Chopped at Day 78.

The thing about growing Monsters is there is always a hell of a lot of trimming to do.

5ft 5" of very nice and very full plant.

Luckily, she was a lot easier to trim than some plants I have grown.

Leaf tugging worked well, and I have enough sticky "Finger Hash" for a few joints this evening... Bonus.

Here she is prior to 4Hrs of rough trimming.

I shall be drying her as a whole plant, upside down and very slow, and then a final trim when dry.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final A.jpg

Buds are heavy, sticky and smelly, the stems needed support for the photos.

After 4 Hrs of rough trimming, she looks like this, a whole load of leaf taken off her.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final B.jpg

I measured her from the top of the soil.....

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final C.jpg

.... to the top of the main cola.

I had to break her neck twice during the grow as she was getting to the top of my tent.

When the broken neck bends are accounted for, she measures 5ft 5" to the top, but I couldn't hold her straight and take the photo, hence the rule shows 5ft 2"

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final D.jpg

Buds are dense and hard, and there is a lot of it.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final E.jpg

Some nice swelling has been going on this last week, I think plain water and "Mammoth P" has something to do with that.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final G.jpg

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final F.jpg

And finally, here is a shot with the obligatory "Coke Can" for scale.... Empty.... I needed that after 4 Hrs of trimming.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final H.jpg

@AFN Certified Grower Level 1 @CannaZone Tier 2 @CannaZone Tier 3

I have been very impressed with the easy grow, no problems encountered, took feed well, no deficiencies or toxicity issues

Not a tip burn to be seen and she drank like an alcoholic on a bender.

The test bud smokes nice.... will be at least a month of cure before I complete a smoke report, but may post a "Drying" update inbetween.

Overall, I'm very happy and would grow again without hesitation.




Damn bro!! Thats a nice lookin clone. Sure thing bro i hit u up. This my homie @Shopboys420 helped me drop this girl from a 10 gallon into a 45. I just set the smart pot into the smart pot. Roots were comin out the bottom but i didnt wanna cut the bottom and hit the roots. Also the cage woulda been a bitch so im sure she will grow through. Either way she wouldn't have made it to end of season. I don't even know what soil she was in and she was startin to get red leaf and stem and i dont think its genetic. Anyway we see what happens View attachment 1079037 View attachment 1079036and my blue cookies is in 15 gallon so i hope she dont get root bound. Have to water everydayView attachment 1079038
All my Humboldts strains have red stems and it has to be genetic bc the plants are very healthy. It still freaked me out when I first saw it.
All my Humboldts strains have red stems and it has to be genetic bc the plants are very healthy. It still freaked me out when I first saw it.
That girl is a mystery bro haha. I dont know what strain,breeeder,soil or anything except soil ph was spot on 6.8. And she was topped like crazy. She in my mix now so will see if she likes it. Heat stress on all of them right now. Temps in sun are 122. Gonna be like this all week. Not sure they gonna do very well. We see
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