Nice job egrower should of made your hole first I done it same as you first time but its all a learning thing :bighug::bong:

Personally and this is just me .... I like to transplant an empty small pot into medium first to make hole, pull out pot and now you have the perfect size hole for transplant to go into ....... I also like to tap bottom of transplant container so as to get transplant to slide out of the old and then just slip down into the newly made opening ...... Also, i woulda added some root stimulate to the receiving hole as well and watered with light mix of seedweed or kelp and some Thrive (B1) to further help minimize transplant shock.
Still not following.

Page one says something about team battles, and some Dinafem battle.

We had a thread for the Mephisto battle, now we need to use a thread non Mephisto battle related? I don’t understand what was why the original thread needed closed.

Not trying to start a fight sorry I just don’t understand. Did an admin accidentally security lock close the thread and it can’t be accessed or something? Mephisto didn’t like the way the thread was going? If it isn’t broke don’t fix it just didn’t see any immediate problems with the old thread.
Dude..this is how I think it breaks down lol....
1) The seperate threads were created previously, to build the teams for the breeders and for sign-ups for the GoTY...Mephisto team battle thread....Dinafem team battle thread....general battle team thread, for example....and your team leader was there so we could learn who to tag for which battle, germ pics and whatnot :smiley1:
2)....February 1st, the battle began and everything goes into this thread.....all battles will be in here now updates here and tag the corresponding team leader/battle in them......this is my understanding :smiley1:
How cold was the caravan :snow2:

I Think the snow insulated it @hairyman ....:snow1:.............the first night we switched the radiator off and I Thought me elbows had frozen to the wall...we left it running through the night after that.
But, retention is another thing. :crying:


What changed? Why the thread change?

Someone added it to the Big Battle @Moabfighter ...but we don't know who or @bushmasterar15 has reverted it to an Independent.
You think I’d learn - Thanks Bro - Did I ever say I LOVE AFN and the Folks here, thnaks again!
Yayy brother, it was a bit work, but me think we are in a good line now:thumbsup: and YES! AFN rocks:vibe:
@Mañ'O'Green lighting and alf 5

Day 13, each pot given 2 cups of water with recharge and a bit of silica

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Ok.... I have a question for the Mod Team....

@Ripper @Mossy

I have a very unusual Battle entrant, A twin "THC Bomb" from BombSeeds.... same seed, but sprouted two stems....

I reported it in my grow journal thread >>> HERE <<< and the Bomb Seed Vender replied "Wow - that is very interesting. I would say that you get about 1 in approx 10,000 twinning. Go out and buy yourself a Lottery Ticket!!"

So the question is.... Is this still classified as 1 plant :shrug:

I hope it is, as I would like to try and grow this rarity out, if I can....

If not, I guess I will have to kill of the smaller stem.

But... I still keep thinking - Feck.... 1 in 10,000.... that's some odds, - I will never get that's one seed, but just sprouted two stems... got to be one plant.

Serious question team, Help Please.

Pic Below

Plant 2 & 3 Potted.jpg

