@archie gemmill

Decided to report my germ pic and week 1 Update on this thread also. I previously posted to the General battle thread.


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I have fears for my seeds!

24hr soak and all cracked, now 48hs in plugs and none have emerged!

(I know.. paitence!)

However I got caught out.. we have had a mild week averaging 26c but had a 39c day and temp in my tent hit parity....

Hope I haven't boiled them!

What is protocol if I have to go again?

As me understood it you can replace em...?...when u have started before the 1. Feb.
Wow bro wtf... do you not see the word "if" in that sentence? English must not be your first language. IF as in if I had of joined archie and hairyman stated that I did not post any germ pic in that fkin thread. So yesyesyes I know im not in your gay ass battle and so fkin happy im not... u have not corrected me in any way at all.lmao your wrong. There is zero purpose for you to reply to me at all, from what i said to still smokin.
Ok take a breather no offensive comments please
Wow bro wtf... do you not see the word "if" in that sentence? English must not be your first language. IF as in if I had of joined archie and hairyman stated that I did not post any germ pic in that fkin thread. So yesyesyes I know im not in your gay ass battle and so fkin happy im not... u have not corrected me in any way at all.lmao your wrong. There is zero purpose for you to reply to me at all, from what i said to still smokin.

How was this clown not booted off the forum for a post like this one?