i agree pal i like wtf moments but i know egrower is a older guy just doing his best trying to grow his own meds also im similar background i did a lot of silly wild things in my youth and seen a fair few institutions along the way just gotta learn from ya mistakes i suppose :bighug::pass:
Shew talking about a background, I'm sure you read my lil love humans message.
I ain't hating I meant my comment in a funny fashion.
Old school.dudes know their shit and its where my pride in growing comes from
I'd bet my money onna old time photo grower over a new school auto grower every day of the week.
Bc I am.that oldschool cat.
And IMO autos are for a hold over b4 the real harvest of photos, just like they say the pistol.is a hold over until you reach your rifle.
You.down to.grow a photo? PM me brother.

I wld truly challenge any auto breeder on a quality test standard.
His/her worked strains vs my untested photo strains.

I'll dominate any auto. And I can run 20 at once from 12 12, and be done quicker than any auto.
Autos is just love, for outdoor grows. And that's a fact.

Bc if I can have a nice harvest mid June thTs great. But in no way do they or will they ever amount to a photo. Point blanck period.

This is something for anyone that grows needs to understand.
After all the auto is made to be like a photo, best that it can that is.

This is a message of understanding and not opinion.
If you want the dankest any pot smoker wld.not detour you away from growing photos.
When I came here I was pure amazed that people have NEVER grown photos.
Yall still trip me out lol but I understand the new days more now.
You.down to.grow a photo? PM me brother.

I wld truly challenge any auto breeder on a quality test standard.
His/her worked strains vs my untested photo strains.

I'll dominate any auto. And I can run 20 at once from 12 12, and be done quicker than any auto.
Autos is just love, for outdoor grows. And that's a fact.

Bc if I can have a nice harvest mid June thTs great. But in no way do they or will they ever amount to a photo. Point blanck period.

This is something for anyone that grows needs to understand.
After all the auto is made to be like a photo, best that it can that is.

This is a message of understanding and not opinion.
If you want the dankest any pot smoker wld.not detour you away from growing photos.
When I came here I was pure amazed that people have NEVER grown photos.
Yall still trip me out lol but I understand the new days more now.
i started growing photos many years ago and a few years ago i wouldn't of grown the lowriders ect from years ago but now some of these strains thats i have grown have been well on par with photos but within 12 weeks and if i could grow outdoor legally and had the weather i would have photo and autos all year long but i just try grow high thc fast finishing indica autos in my 4x4 tent and try stay under the radar
You.down to.grow a photo? PM me brother.

I wld truly challenge any auto breeder on a quality test standard.
His/her worked strains vs my untested photo strains.

I'll dominate any auto. And I can run 20 at once from 12 12, and be done quicker than any auto.
Autos is just love, for outdoor grows. And that's a fact.

Bc if I can have a nice harvest mid June thTs great. But in no way do they or will they ever amount to a photo. Point blanck period.

This is something for anyone that grows needs to understand.
After all the auto is made to be like a photo, best that it can that is.

This is a message of understanding and not opinion.
If you want the dankest any pot smoker wld.not detour you away from growing photos.
When I came here I was pure amazed that people have NEVER grown photos.
Yall still trip me out lol but I understand the new days more now.
that may be that way but a few thing I can say on that subject ive given people plenty of auto and photo buds away and I would say 90% of the time the person cant tell the only prob with autos is they aren't as refined as photos , photo have been bred for mostly thc so on average they should produce a bit better weather thc% or consistency or yield I always have photos going because of uniformity and such but a 28% thc white crack and a 28% thc orig gg#4 doubt anyone complains about potency
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Sorry if i over stepped guys either way good job guys on these plants all look good keep it up guys