@TheMongol I have threadmarked my week 1 update just checking it's done ok and that I will do the following for each seed stocker update for week 1 and as follows for each contestant
No threadmark into Biggest, removed it and show you in PM later.....
Good brother, but plz write it n a sheet , not on the cuppa...
Yea i realized that after i took the pic of it wrote on a "cuppa"(5 gal bucket) lmao I still got the same sheet as last time some where lol
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I just checked you all ready got a germ pic and are registered in ss battle , no need to post another germ pic
I do it cuz I wanted 2 brother.
Not bc I needed 2.
If the leaders dont wanna make the extra post they dont have to. I shared a pic of my male AR as well.lol