I'll prolly come up missing after this but its the food. Most all American food is sprayed with glyphosate or round up weed killer. In my opinion thats one of the hidden or covered up cancer causes. Most people dont understands growing like we do, they think they can just wash off pesticides and herbicides. But i also eat store bought veggies and fruits. Dont anybody start no shit with me about it tho cause like i said its my belief
You wanna see some messed up shit watch some documentaries on where and how your chicken and other meats are grown and slaughtered. When you walk in the supermarket theirs the impression of all these choices of diffrent brands and stuff with farm fresh on the label with a cow smiling on a hill with the sun setting behind him. But in reality that cow hardly ever moves and stands up to his belly in shit and piss shoulder to shoulder with other cows and eats cheap nasty corn not grass. And all them diffrent brands are owned by the same 3-4 companies. It's all smoke and mirrors.
I have no idea why the pic is upside down or how to fix it :face:

You from the upside down land :crying:
Not sure about fixing it, but I found if I cropped my pics on my phone, even just a bit, they always show up correct. If I don't, sideways they go. I don't know how you managed to get 'er upside downways. She still looks lovely tho :smoking:
take two...just cropped image as suggested by @RivetGrrl
Learned loads from nursing this one through the grow, mostly from eliminating possible causes. It's looking like she'll reward me for it, hopefully the quality is on point :pass:

It's a part of life. We were expecting it sooner honestly, because she'd been unresponsive/comatose for a week before. Kinda odd that someone like her, who'd spent the last 70+ years out in the country, never smoked or been around factories would die of lung cancer, though.
Life style effects cancer but i honestly think if u dont end up with cancer than you live in a sealed box growing everything organic my dad die of esphogus cancer one day fine next day dieing and he was one of if not the most healthy people ive known 100mi bike rides, triathilon( bike run swim). I hope things get better for u and the family good vibes going out to u
You wanna see some messed up shit watch some documentaries on where and how your chicken and other meats are grown and slaughtered. When you walk in the supermarket theirs the impression of all these choices of diffrent brands and stuff with farm fresh on the label with a cow smiling on a hill with the sun setting behind him. But in reality that cow hardly ever moves and stands up to his belly in shit and piss shoulder to shoulder with other cows and eats cheap nasty corn not grass. And all them diffrent brands are owned by the same 3-4 companies. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Yeah i live by chicken farms, and chicken plants. Its messed up. I don't have a journal bro, haven't done one for over a year. Im not the best communicator lmao. I gotta start doing again tho. I'll have one in dinafem auto, dinafem photo, hso, and autoseeds here soon.
@St. Tom heres my week 10 update for the Zamnesia gorilla glue. She's the tallest I've grown so far and will hopefully stack it on bigtime in the next few weeks.

Have a great day all!
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