Seedstockers Battle
Candy Dawg Auto
Week 10 Day 70
Final Update

Only changes this week were I reduced her feed gradually over the last few days, apart from that i just let her do what she does best :headbang: Still watering daily, roughly a litre at a time, temps around 25c and rh 60% :toke: I'll be taking her down at the weekend all being well :woohoo:

@Bailey :pass:
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Update Week 9

Here are my Battle Plants at Day 60

It is getting exceedingly difficult to get good images, due to tent overcrowding.

I trust the following are acceptable for update purposes.

Full Tent:-
View attachment 1038523

Changes Made:-

More "Spider Mite" Predators added. New "Sticky Bug Catchers" hung in tent with string for spider mites to climb up.
View attachment 1038528

Tag @archie gemmill - General Battle
Tag @St. Tom - Zamnesia Battle

Zamnesia Girl Scout Cookies Plant 1, is my "General Battle" contestant & my "Zamnesia Battle" contestant.
View attachment 1038529

Tag @Bailey - Seed Stockers "Candy Dawg"
"Candy Dawg" Plant 1 is my "Seedstockers Battle" plant
View attachment 1038530

Tag @woody - Bomb Seeds "THC Bomb"
"THC Bomb" Plant 1 for the "Bomb Seeds" Battle
View attachment 1038531

Tag @Need4Weed - Autoseeds "Purple Stilton"
"Purple Stilton" my Autoseeds Battle Plant
View attachment 1038526


Environment is holding steady...
Temp 27.5c, 50%Rh, Feed Ph5.8, Ec1.8, Soil Ph 6.3

About 2 weeks to go (or thereabouts). reducing feed this week, water only final week.

Tag in:- @CannaZone Tier 1, @CannaZone Tier 2 , @CannaZone Tier 3 @BombSeeds @Seedstockers_Mischa @Zamnesia

Seedstockers Battle
Candy Dawg Auto
Week 10 Day 70
Final Update

Only changes this week were I reduced her feed gradually over the last week, apart from that i just let her do what she does best :headbang: Still watering daily, roughly a litre at a time, temps around 25c and rh 60% :toke: I'll be taking her down at the weekend all being well :woohoo:View attachment 1038642 View attachment 1038643
@Bailey :pass:
you have done a marvellous job on her i have the same strain to run in the 2nd leg of the competition i look forward to you sampling her and letting us know how she is
Holy wires galore. Lol looks like your running out of head space. That was a problem i kept running into so i went to 8' hight to give me some room. Even with the 8' i still have to train my plants to around 3' tall if i can but somtimes a plants gonna do what it wants. Whats the microphone looking this hanging?

It's the sensor for my Evolution Fan/Temp/Rh Controller.

I am afraid my head room where this tent is situated is restricted to 6ft 6in, hence the 6ft tent.... We have to work around these problems :shrug:

Thanks a lot, appreciated.
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Seedstockers Battle
Candy Dawg Auto
Week 10 Day 70
Final Update

Only changes this week were I reduced her feed gradually over the last week, apart from that i just let her do what she does best :headbang: Still watering daily, roughly a litre at a time, temps around 25c and rh 60% :toke: I'll be taking her down at the weekend all being well :woohoo:View attachment 1038642 View attachment 1038643
@Bailey :pass:
This has been one of my favourite plants to watch during this battle :d5: ✌✌
Thanks @St. Tom that means a lot :d5: yeah I'm looking forward to to trying her too, she's smelling sweet at the mo so should be nice :pass:
This has been one of my favourite plants to watch during this battle :d5: ✌✌
:bighug:I'm just happy it won't take long to chop and trim :biggrin: does my bloody back in every time :crying:
Seedstockers Battle
Candy Dawg Auto
Week 10 Day 70
Final Update

Only changes this week were I reduced her feed gradually over the last week, apart from that i just let her do what she does best :headbang: Still watering daily, roughly a litre at a time, temps around 25c and rh 60% :toke: I'll be taking her down at the weekend all being well :woohoo:View attachment 1038642 View attachment 1038643
@Bailey :pass:

She's a looker :d5:

Enjoy :pass: