Huge apology
@St. Tom and everyone, I didn't finish the contest proper but my dad's almost died a few times in hospital in the last few weeks after his triple bypass. I hate to even mention it, I'm a very private person but I want you all to know why I didn't finish proper with a chop code etc. He is doing a bit better but I am very worried about him contracting the virus as well in his condition. My mom couldn't use her right hand or drive because she had surgery too prior to everything going down, so I have been staying with her when I can as she lives in another city from where I am. WHEW.
ANYWAY to less stressful things, the plant grew beautiful but not huge, I got almost 1/2 oz dry with the fact that I really let all my plants go in the last few weeks while all this was going on. So yes, poor plants too! But she handled it great and I'd love to grow out more Seedstockers (and will) in larger containers. I will try my best to do a blog or journal with one of the free packs to make up for this once my dad's OK and my world is a bit less crazy (as it is for all of us).
I hope everyone else is doing well and staying safe,
from a safe distance!