The Big Battle Thread 1st Leg 2020 - Chop Code AFN2020

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Thats definitely potassium bro. Check out this product from down to earth solution grade langbeinite... 0-0-21.5 .. shit is badass bro, and instant. I even foliar. 100% organic
I was looking at that but those 2 plants have been getting nectar for the gods! Thought it needed a K booster but I checked yesterday before feeding and ph was 7.2 somehow! Realized being up over 7.0 especially using nectar which is real ph dependent had caused a K lockout! Flushed with 6.0ph’d bonemeal to try and drop it and free the K up! For the organic plants of that happens I was looking at same thing u we’re talking about! Their is some in my craft blend stuff but if need more that’s what I was gonna grab! :smoking:
Thx and I know they work! I have couple DTE products to for mixing up fresh soil/making teas so I know they work! Had same issue with last 2 plants but it was from ph falling into high 5’s so also caused K lockout at their end of life! This gelato looks like happening lil earlier so feeding 6.0 or lower til it falls into range! Think if brains working right 6.3-6.7 maybe extra point on each side is when it’ll def free up and can then add something on top if doesn’t help issue! :thumbsup:
few pics of my kelp loving ladies my seedstocker 2ltr bottles at the front zamnesia couskush in the front autopot on the left and my 2fastbud zkittles back autopot and you can see her solo cup sister who will be my competition plant
AutoSeeds 2-Liter Battle - @SOOTDAWG
Update Number: 5
Day: 23 HIJACK
Details: Both plants topped on day 19. And both now feeding full full-strength "vegetative phase" mix of their respective nutrients. Purple bottle getting Prescription Blend (Core A & B, Kelp-Ful, Bio-Si & Precursor), and red bottle getting GreenLeaf (MegaCrop and Sweet Candy). Cheers all.

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Fastbuds Solo Cup Battle - @Dudeski
Update Number: 5
Details: Cream Cookies now getting MegaCrop with Sweet Candy daily - approximately .4 to .5 liter until runoff. Daily misting with kelp spray. Today I added some calmg to her mix as I'm starting to get concerned about the impact of the cobs. She was topped on day 21.

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@mossy @Fast Buds Heather
Fast buds solo cup week 4
They all started on bud explosion today. Im starting to get excited about the prospects of yield on these. Though i might have to figure out watering sooner than later. 2x a day already.
The side branches are nice and strong. Ready to hold up some stackage!!
Crystal meth

Creme Cookies


Star dawg (1 week behind)

Pineapple Express
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