The best training technique

It might be hard trying to define best, as all the methods have plus and minus points. I don't usually top my autos as I'm very hesitant about slicing a time constrained plant (photos - no problem), but I have seen it done many times on this site with great success. I have no problem using LST however, as you're not removing anything & still triggering the same hormones that topping would. LST for me is the safer option, and still allows for great results. Normally the only topping I do is when the LST goes wrong as I'm stoned when doing it.
I'm with @Peacefulgarden. I start early and bend and separate throughout grow. I like the nodes spread around the pot.
Organic soil auto grower.


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Another one for LST. Tried a few different methods now and LST had the biggest increase in yeild. Topping helps keep the canopy even, if you are doing many pots.
Good luck