Indoor THE BEARS (Dutch Passion) Auto Kerosene krash & Mazar

Awesome! Very happy for you, that light is a wicked beasty. (good photo opsec too :thumbsup:)
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Diablo 650R set up and running
So it's been a busy day and a long night but I finally got it up and running.
Give the girls a defoiliation last nite, and retied the lanky kerosene in the fabric pot,
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Lady's not looking too good
Battling with high temps and finding it hard to get the watering right. Overwatered them by not waiting untill they dryed better, was supposed to be going away for 2 days and thought it would be OK,
But it wasn't and then I didn't even go ffs.
Hope they are OK, I'm gutted
Ive done it more than once. Just give them extra time to dry out and I'm sure they will be fine. I always see ManoGreen recommend yuca to bring the soil back to after a good dry spell. Ive been using Humic. I'm not not sure if its helping but it dosent seam to be hurting.