Indoor The basic LR2 grow experiment



I have previously grown psilocybe mushrooms and discovered a love for creating life. With that project finished with i was looking for another when i stumbled upon the lowryder strain having avoided the cannabis grow idea for some time due to the sheer size of these plants i was delighted to find this minature plant.

The basis of my grow was that i would grow one plant under minimal conditions and poor materials to set a standard of how versatile this plant could be and from that basis move on to an advanced grow using more complex methods carrying with me the lessons i have learnt.

I will list my materials/methods below step by step and with a photo to illustrate- showing my plant from germination to date. Please do not replie with advice on using such poor materials as i understand the cons through research.

*I purchased 5 LR2 feminized seeds from herbies head shop and germinated them in warm water kept in the dark overnight followed the next day by placing them between two sheets of damp kitchen towel kept in a dark place for one more night.
The next morning my seed had grown a 1.5inch root.
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*I placed the seed root down in a 6" pot which i had filled with miraclegro potting soil,small amount of blood fish and bone fert and some vermiculite i had left over from the mushroom grow.
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*you will notice two pots - one was donated so i could concentrate on one plant alone.
Three days after my seedling had emerged and grown small amount.
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*At this point i was using a 6watt undercupboard flurescent at 4000k sat just above the seedling but come day 5 i realised this wouldnt be enough.
Not wanting an ellaborate setup of hps or hid lighting i bought an extendable desk lamp that would hold a gu10 lamp. The below picture is day 6 with an 11w cfl 6400k.
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*Fastforward one week and my plant was progressing nicely keeping the cfl 2inches above the plant at all times and sticking to a unconventional light cycle of 16/8. No additional nutrients were added at any point only what my soil and original nutes provided to the plant. Watered every time the soil became dry using spring water only.This is day 10
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* This is day 14
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*Come day 21 i had noticed an infestation of small white bugs. Panicking late one night i transplanted her into new soil risking shock in a foolish attempt to rid these insects. Failing to do so i purchased a spray insecticide and applied to the soil twice over two days and succesfully iradicated the pests.
Here are pictures of day 21 the first signs of showing sex
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*Day 25 and she has increased pistil growth indicating my plant is a female. Through to day 28 she is now showing an accelerated growth increasing in size roughly 1inch per day.
Here are days 21-28
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*Here are my last 5 images of day32
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*I am now at day 34 and will post more images as i progress if people wish to see my grow further. To add- using only spring water and the nutrients only provided from the start the soil has kept a constant ph level of 6.8 without any intervention.
Any feedback would be appreciated i love to hear about similar grows, advice and peoples thoughts on my project.
Thanks - Sidiousgoose.
Hey man I'm v interested to see how this grow goes,is that just a regular white 11w cfl for a hardware store?
Thanks for intrest red eye. Yes this a standard run of the mill gu10 11w cfl that you can buy from anywhere. I used the 6400k with it being the coolwhite daylight temp up untill yesterday when i switched to 2700k to imatate a more warmwhite effect this is to promote flowering.
I was suprised how well this plant is growing with such basic conditions she is healthy and has never shown signs of deterioration.
For my next seed i am going to buy a small secret jardin tent and a 90w ufo led light and use a grow nute followed by bloom nutrients i figure this will cost around 200 but have found a new passion for these little plants.
Well it goes to show how well these auto strains do in different conditions,I'm a complete novice and only just starting my first grow ( greenhouse) but I'm like u and I'm gonna get a tent next,I'm lookin at secret jardin 60cm sq 1.4m high,gonna use cfl and been lookin at a dual spec 250 or 300w for 2 plants,but I can also pick up a 90w led for £100 so I'm not sure which to pick.keep the pics coming from yr grow mate its a great example of what u can achieve,I'm inspired and I'm looking forward to yr end results
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ok from experience please do not use cfl unless it is side lighting or a cabinet. another warning is that if you go with led and you live anywhere near that light its going to bother you a LOT. They are a lot brighter than you think. If you go the LED route i recommend Gotham Hydro's Blackstar Series and it's all i use now and well worth the purchase. If you can afford it grab a 240w panel and you are set for 3 plants. Feel free to check out my grow in the sig and here are a few pics i took of my BHD at 34 days under led lighting.
What problems did u have with cfl's ninja,iv read good things about them,but led does interest me too,would a 90w led be big enough for my 60cm sq grow tent,1.4 m high or would 120w be better.I guess it will cost me an extra £100 for an led set up compared to a cfl,u set up is it worth the extra money ninja? If it costs less to run than cfl and produces better bud I'm all for spending the money
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led is the way to go. check out ebay and type in blackstar led and see what kind of prices you can get. call victor at the number or email him and they will work a deal outside of ebay so you can pay however, get a good price, and its more discrete ;) led is superior over cfl with heat as well. just a suggestion but this is the most cost effective led tech that me and a bunch of guys from roll it up figured out works the same as the expensive units for 1/3 to 1/4 of the price.
Well iv just checked out eBay and I can pick up a 180w led of there's and get it shipped to the UK for the same price as a 120w led in the UK,that could be the way to go for me in my small grow tent

Hey all keeping updated ive just taken some more pics to show you. Since my post ive experimented giving my plant some tomorite fert with keeping in theme of this being a basic grow and with tomorite being a readily available fert thought id see what it does. Fed a minamal amount and she appears to have increased growth and bud development.
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As you can see shes healthy and growing well. On her leaves near the main cola she has grown small trichomes which are a white colour. As the days progress its interesting to see how shes developing with this being my first grow, having 27 days till predicted harvest i imagine she will have increased yeild by that time. I have just purchased small digital scales so will be able to give precise weight for this grow method. Here is a close up of the new trichome growth this is as close as i could without blurring image.
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I will keep thread updated when i see she has made significant changes in her growth.
Thanks Sidiousgoose
Hey all new photos for you these are at day 43 no problems shes be growing fine and healthy. Only thing ill add is that shes becoming very odourous, inside the room there is no avoiding the smell usually a very sweet smell but on one occasion thought she smelled as what can only be described as cat piss - i do not have a cat before you ask. This smell was only one day so did not worry too much and funnily today (day 45) she smells strongly of coffee but no doubt this will also be momentary. Alos due to lower buds not recieving much light i slapped two 6w flus to a peice of wood (not the most attractive feature) to ensure she gets enough light to lower stems. Hopefully youll be able to see that she has made large increases in trichome growth as well.

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These next pictures are from a few mintutes ago at day45
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Will keep thread updated around 50-55days. Ive recently bought some scales and ordered a 40x jewellers loupe so come harvest you will have photos of harvest will try for up close of trichomes before that, weight (dry and wet) and of course the smoke review.
