Indoor The Bandit Finds His Way Home

Looks real nice TGB!

Yes, I am always lurking around here somewhere. I haven't heard of Arcadia but fulvic acid in general is good stuff. Couple that with a good humic and kelp supplement. I did a google and couldn't find anything but don't buy something overpriced. You can get good quality fulvic and humics on amazon dirt cheap that will last forever. Just make sure they are water soluable. I use TerraVita SP90 humics and BioAg Fulvic, both are made for general farming and decent priced.
Looks real nice TGB!

Yes, I am always lurking around here somewhere. I haven't heard of Arcadia but fulvic acid in general is good stuff. Couple that with a good humic and kelp supplement. I did a google and couldn't find anything but don't buy something overpriced. You can get good quality fulvic and humics on amazon dirt cheap that will last forever. Just make sure they are water soluable. I use TerraVita SP90 humics and BioAg Fulvic, both are made for general farming and decent priced.

@A4 - Always coming through in the clutch! Thanks for the info. If you weren't able to find it, here. In the meantime, I'm gonna look into your recommendations.
The girl (and boys maybe) are getting big quick. I know it seems like they are taking forever when yer looking at them every day. Gonna be a full house if they are all girls!

After tramping around the woods near my neighborhood, I think I may have found a spot for next spring's guerrilla grow...
I'm on that shit like stank on my buds! I had a rough cal-mag incident my first go around. I don't play anymore! I start introducing my autos to calmag real quick, real young. These dragonlings are familiar with it! Is the smell taste and smoke similar to that of the dark devil, or completely different?
I have not had the pleasure of the dark devil, but the red poison smelled like a red piece of taffy candy. not even a hint of weed. my wife thought it was a scented candle when I chopped her. now what is left in the jar a few months later, smell of fruit and flower perfume, but no hint of weed. a very special strain indeed. I only smoke a little on the weekend. the 12 year old single malt scotch of the canna world
I have not had the pleasure of the dark devil, but the red poison smelled like a red piece of taffy candy. not even a hint of weed. my wife thought it was a scented candle when I chopped her. now what is left in the jar a few months later, smell of fruit and flower perfume, but no hint of weed. a very special strain indeed. I only smoke a little on the weekend. the 12 year old single malt scotch of the canna world

Killer description!! Now,I wanna smoke it even more than I already did! They should put you on the marketing team! LOL

On a bit more sour note. 6 of the 8 dragons had balls. Every single one of the Albino dragons get tossed...
Well that was a swift kick in the nuts.
After finding out that 6 of my 8 plants were male last night, including all of the Albinos, I was pretty blown. Pissed to be honest. But then something happened. A young grower, who is also a member of AFN, came through in the clutch. See, I had given him some extra nutes that I had, a while back, and last night, as repayment for the favor, he offered me 3 feminine beans of my choice. I was like, "Whaaaat?! Say word, bro!!" And the strains he was offering... Well, I'll reveal that once they break the surface. I pick them up on Wednesday, and will germ right away. I have no doubt they'll be showing face before Saturday is over. In the meantime, the two remain dragons are lonely...
Damn bro that sucks. I've got a few regulars that I'm sure are gonna be males. Good news on getting some more fem'd seeds eh?
Yeah, dude came through in the clutch!! If it weren't for him, I would've sent to bed pissed, and woke up even more pissed! Now, I just look at it as making room for something just as good, and increasing the variety in my stash! It does suck to waste 3 weeks of grow time, though.
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