Indoor The Bandit Finds His Way Home

Good morning, AFN fam. Didn't have time to post the pics of my issue last night, so I'll post them bright and early today. The popular vote is that it's a CalMag issue. Another thing that worries me is she's so sensitive . I'm already feeding her light, but she still has N issues, so I cut back by half a teaspoon when I fed her last night. Picked up a bit more on the calmag, though. She also has a leaf that is canoeing, but downwards. Not the whole leaf, but most of it. The shorter one is still looking good. No signs of issues whatsoever.


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I give them full strength, what ever the bottle said + another 1/2 dose. I think the go cal/mag calls for a tablespoon per gal. the curl is either ph related or N toxicity. this will slow root growth and overall size. I've had it a few times since switching to organic nutes. they wont burn like a chem nute it seems. the curl is there till the end. hope that helps
I give them full strength, what ever the bottle said + another 1/2 dose. I think the go cal/mag calls for a tablespoon per gal. the curl is either ph related or N toxicity. this will slow root growth and overall size. I've had it a few times since switching to organic nutes. they wont burn like a chem nute it seems. the curl is there till the end. hope that helps
Thanks for the feed back, @elsamurai. The pH is around 6.6 - 6.7, so I don't think it's that. I think it the N. I'm using this new product called Arcadia, which helps the plant uptake the nutes quicker and more efficiently. The guy said it my cause me to need to cut back on my nutes, so I guess he was right.
Sounds like you got this under control
I thought so too. Until last night. Went to feed my plants, while high, and I watered the babies first. Right when I got done watering them, I started thinking, "Shit! Is this the feed solution I prepped for the dragons??!! Shiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!!" Well, needless to say, that blew my high right on the window. Wasn't sure what to do, because flushing my seedlings didn't seem like an option, so I went upstairs and worried myself to sleep. Woke up and checked on them at 5, and again at 9. All seemed fine, but as soil is a buffer, I'll be sweating it out for the next couple of days...
@ThaGreenBandit dont worry about it bro that shits always going to happen when your stoned!
Well in soil i think it takes 2 or 3 days for the nutes to break down and be absorbed (maybe thats just organic nutes though) i would be tempted to flush them myself though not really sure what to do.
Was it a strong feed?
I thought so too. Until last night. Went to feed my plants, while high, and I watered the babies first. Right when I got done watering them, I started thinking, "Shit! Is this the feed solution I prepped for the dragons??!! Shiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!!" Well, needless to say, that blew my high right on the window. Wasn't sure what to do, because flushing my seedlings didn't seem like an option, so I went upstairs and worried myself to sleep. Woke up and checked on them at 5, and again at 9. All seemed fine, but as soil is a buffer, I'll be sweating it out for the next couple of days...
Dude if you know your nutrient strength can't you just water it down by just adding ph,d water to your soil maybe just a light flush with a little run off I've done it in coco not sure about soil though
dude just noticed you seem to be having the same nitrogen problem as me the only thing in common is the Botanicare cal mag went out yesterday and got some plant magic magne cal plus next res change on my tyrone specials im using that instead see if it makes a difference :pass: