Dutch Passion The BAM and cookies grow

Trichome farmer

be my name and trichome farmin be my game
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Jul 26, 2015
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Jorge's Diamonds
hello this is m first journal here so please forgive me for any future errors or mistakes. i am currently growing two auto blue mazars on day 44 and have just germinated two auto colorado cookies i have a 1mx1mx2m tent with a 4" extraction fan and a 600w hps with two 6" clip on fans. im going to be useing TaNgs easy auto schedule and i must say its been going pretty easy no ph or ec just sticking to the plan my rh is between 35 and 65 and my temps are hard to control but for the most part there 24-28c in the day and can drop too 15c heres hoping i can replicate some of the grows iv seen on here. one last thing i just wanna say that @TaNg is the inspiration for me to share what im doing iv watched and read his journal for years now i can only hope to be half the grower as the last jedi :worship:
Hay bro that's very kind of you to say.

These plants a looking great although don't be scared to nip off those yellowing leaves at the bottom,just be sure to leave a cm or 2 of the leaf stem attached to the main stem just in case of infection.
Hay bro that's very kind of you to say.

These plants a looking great although don't be scared to nip off those yellowing leaves at the bottom,just be sure to leave a cm or 2 of the leaf stem attached to the main stem just in case of infection.
thanks TaNg I was a bit hesitant to cut them didn wanna slow down things but you have just eased my tension :cools:
some more pics of the auto blue mazar on day 50 how long do you guys think the littel one will go im hopeing il be able to harvest her at no more than 80 days the bigger one im sure is going 100+. also im a littel worried that the smaller one is yellowing a littel but maybe this is just because of the life cycle ???:jointman:
some more pics of the auto blue mazar on day 50 how long do you guys think the littel one will go im hopeing il be able to harvest her at no more than 80 days the bigger one im sure is going 100+. also im a littel worried that the smaller one is yellowing a littel but maybe this is just because of the life cycle ???:jointman:View attachment 733952 View attachment 733956 View attachment 733959 View attachment 733961

Correct on the life cycle. Autos will indeed start to yellow around 6-7 weeks (well some not all depending on genetics) but you have master Tang in your corner and he won't steer you wrong. Its been so long since I've grown AM... But they do go longer into the 80-90 window for sure!

Green grow karma and badges incoming!
Correct on the life cycle. Autos will indeed start to yellow around 6-7 weeks (well some not all depending on genetics) but you have master Tang in your corner and he won't steer you wrong. Its been so long since I've grown AM... But they do go longer into the 80-90 window for sure!

Green grow karma and badges incoming!
thanks rebel thats good to hear i thought it might have been nute lock or maybe nuteburn im new to growing well without help im very well read up on the subject just need to put it in to practice :welcome: