Welcome to AFN Matt and Prescription Blend!
I'm looking forward to seeing this test run here, you'll have some fine growers now and later to put PB through the paces...

I liked what I saw, and that you have very complete nutrient/supplement coverage.
Also, it's well divided into the 6 parts, which allow some tinkering but still keep that solid overall coverage =

... I'm a big fan of foliar treatments, looks like the Bio-Si and Kelp-ful (fulvics!

) can be used as such.. I'm the Infirmary guy here, and see a lot of micronutrient issues roll in, which many learn the hard way are a bitch to fix sometimes! Si and fulvics are big help in treating them, along with a rich source of micro's. I assume it's Kelp-Ful that has the best load of them?
Don't sweat the autoflower feeding schedule too much, so far as I've seen, the diversity in tolerances, demands, etc. runs the gambit, no generalization will apply to all IMO... Same common sense precautions, and a little direct measure data will help set the table! Dilutions and start-up feed sched' will depend a lot on the medium and method too, so the usual tinkering and testing TDS/EC is wise when running new nutes... It's good to know what kind of ppm's the nute solution has... Do you have some info on that for say, the standard finished solutions?
With the diversity of growers and methods here, we'll see soon enough what works and what's doesn't!

I'm not in a grow mode currently, but likely will be late Spring, so if an outdoor photo/tent auto test is of interest still, I'll be sure to ring your bell:smoking: