Pictures of the Lovely Princess Uma....
Unlike some harsh regimes (or teasers) King Doctor Professor Mr Jorilla ganjamoto likes to make portraits of his lovely ladies freely available (when suitably motivated of course) in order to keep the general populace serenely happy, content (and a little jealous....) and in awe of the good Kings work of course...
So today presented for your approval is Miss Princess Uma....
But first some verbage before the visual herbage...
Miss Princess Uma is chubbing up nicely however one or two spots of the bud-rotic tissue have been found and the offending areas budectomied... The way the buds are stacked is like a staggered file arrangement... so progression of the rot will not be easy and removal of the offending area should prevent further spread along the limb...
Under the microscope at 30x magnification a little world of wonderful jewels may be beheld the jewels being of a cloudy nature, pearl like one may say with no amber jewels at the moment.
King Doctor Professor Mr Jorilla ganjamoto being one for a little safe experimentation (sorry fruity boys don't get too excited... with the ladies only) is considering a staggered harvest with varying percentages of treasured pearls and amber jewels to ascertain the various effects... however the King is a busy monarch and may forget and harvest when he gets round to it....
The flush has started Miss Princess Uma now just being topped up with water no more scran... it will be like living at a certain Princesses castle with meagre rations... Though the King does believe the Princess has realised the error of her ways...
Anyway the King has to go on a bicycle tour of his Kingdom so toodle pip and enjoy the weekend...