Seed Bank The Attitude Seedbank -

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Not to get off topic but any one else see this at attitude ?

:rofl: that can not be for real? Is that a joke? Even I who usually won't bat an eye at $$$ if it's something I want... I could careless if they had canna that half a toke would knock you to ground.... That's just plain outrageous those prices! I'm wondering if anyone ever actually spent that kinda loot $$$ on seeds... :smfh:

A thief by any other name is........ still a thief!
I have seen that seed company before and heard nothing but bad things about them.

They started off with a strain they called the doggies nuts but now they seem to have lots of strains. My main issue is the claim that the plants are no longer annual and that they will re grow year after year like a rose bush would. This sounds great but when you read their own write up you think what a cock of ****

Here is their write up for your amusement

Doggies Nuts Seeds Big Bad John has been a long time coming and definitely confirms that the times they are a changing! As believe it or not this is deciduous herbaceous perennial strain. For those of you that are not that horticulturally aware this means it has the ability to re-emerge after it has died. The cannabis seeds and not so commonly the plant can get over winter and re-emerge come the spring, as in this little, or should we say big beauty will auto flower once it is established - if left to be, it will set cannabis seeds, then these cannabis seeds will grow and then these plants will do the same thing so on and so forth ad infinitum! For those of you that have still not seen the light, this means that it can grow wild and if left unchecked will colonise the areas where it is placed! in one season it can produce 3-4 generations of offspring and as each generation matures they will do the same thing!

There are so many contradictions that I don't know where to start. I will only say that if you know anything about plants you will see through this pack of lies immediately. True Perennials don't have to set seeds to continue growing and how will it set seeds if its not pollinated?

Completely bogus company Avoid them like the bubonic plague! Or if you have evidence that they have actually produced a perennial plant please show me the proof.

Hmmm isn't that what annuals do lol? I guess he's looking to fool noobs that know nothing about horticulture
Stay away from doggies nuts . 100% rubbish and don't waste you money. I don't know how he gets away with that crap!

Wooo Hoo! Got an Attitude cart just waiting for me to click the button! Going to catch this great sale!
"pher Wiggle"
Lol still trying to figure out what to order was spying some of those reg WoS indica landraces.... So many choices... Regardless getting in on the deal as well ;)
lol, I feel like a sucker every time Attitude has one of those big free seeds deal. I just have to order something!!! I already have more seeds then I could grow in the next 5 years(small grower).
lol, I feel like a sucker every time Attitude has one of those big free seeds deal. I just have to order something!!! I already have more seeds then I could grow in the next 5 years(small grower).

Same here. I grow at most around 10 plants a year, but I've got a couple dozen strains on hand and I'm always tempted to buy more. :dunno:
Smh :face: over a half an hour to place the attitude order... I HAD to get in on the bodhi deal... I would've paid the price of the two packs just for the ac/dc x good medicine freebie pack! Psyched! Crazy cbd-rich crossss shall be coming our way ;)