@ canon Bro I was looking over your order sheet in your post I see you didnt use a coupon code (mistake, always use 420 =10% discount off the top)
has always worked for me. Try different code words such as 420,free,freebie,free,the month of your order ect . I try different ones sometimes I score
somtimes not.
My last order from them was very close to yours $$$ wise. chose the stealth International shipping t-shirt breeders packs, Tracking. Got everything
One catch only one strain I ordered came in breeders pack the rest little zip baggies with name of strain typed on little sticky tag ? So did I get what I ordered ??
Also My main reason for the order was the selction they offered for freebies (didnt get what the advertised) . Sent an email ...their responce their terms say the can sub
out others ..case closed !
Personnaly I feel they think when someone orders internationally there is little chance they will do anything but complain.
Yes I too will look into to another supplier for any future orders.

MITJ p.s. dont grade me on spelling...lol