THC Bomb Auto, Are these male pre flowers??

Feb 7, 2016
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First grow here, DWC, LEC 315w light, and using 1/4 to half strength Lucas formula. This is about 2 1/2 weeks from sprout, from what I can tell these may be male preflowers?

The one in the center of the picture on the main stem almost looks like a flower,
And off the bottom side branching you can see what look like little balls on tiny stems.

Really hope it's not since I only had a couple plants, but sure looks like the pictures I see of male parts, do I need to get it out of the tent?

Ph did get in the 4's for a day or so during the first week of grow while using a cheap Ph pen, have since purchased a Bluelab Gaurdian, love it and has made things much easier :)

But you can see deficiency in lower leaves that cleared up after lockout from Ph problems, but maybe I over-stressed her :(
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hard to tell atm might just be funny growth I would wait another week or so and if it is keep it going get the pollen off it and store it in a plastic bag in the fridge with some rice at least you'll be able to do some seed on your next grow :)

it is a bit early to tell tbh, just wait for a good week and see, that's what I would do , dont be too upset if it is, you'll be able to do your own seeds in future providing its not a hermaphadite.
Thank you guys, I only have one tent and light (this is set up in a 2' x 3' master bathroom closet in our family home, so if I pulled it then I wouldn't have anywhere to grow it, without the kids finding it anyway ;)

It does seem like a waste that I would regret down the line if I have to kill it, but unfortunately with just room for two plants I would definitely have to. I will have to keep watching it day by day and post some more pictures, I guess I'm just worried if I wait too long…
Still no other sign of female pre flowers, but wow this thing is exploding in growth just in the last couple days, it will really be heartbreaking for me to have to can it and start over.


tbh don't worry if you have to pull it, lst the other one and it will more than likely fill your space up anyhow, and you'll still get the same amount as having 2 in there, just make sure the one you have left dont get too much other stress apart from lst.
Took some pictures this morning, still can't decide if it's male or not...?

A little early for me to tell also.Just keep watching.
Ah! I think I see a preflower calyx with pistils right in the pic center,... :biggrin:.... no mistaking bollocks either, they will be at the end of a short stalk, forming well before opening,....