New Grower THC absorption=Failed drug screen?


To fish or not to fish? What a stupid question :)
Feb 3, 2015
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So here is my question. Could I fail a drug screen by just handling cannabis plants or trimming buds with no gloves?
I am planning on growing at home to help provide pain meds for my wife but can't risk failing a work drug screen. Can you get a THC positive result because of resin absorption through the skin?

Very unlikely. Nobody ever even talks about transdermal administration or the handling of cannabis products able to get people high. I presume cannabinoids are poorly, if at all, adsorbed through the skin (with the stratum corneum doing its job). I'd be more concerned about inhaling second-hand smoke/vapor and dusts.
Thanks. Did some internet research and found that hemp oil or thc oil never enters the blood stream when using on skin. Thanks for the response Bll.
I would search again, it is apparently absorbed through the skin and ointments with THC are sold in the US for muscle pains..... Try "can thc be absorbed through the skin" and don't read the forum hits, read the .org hits and then make up your mind.

Better safe than sorry.

Of the more dubious variety, there is a guy on a forum saying that just by handling his plants and then taking a hot shower he gets high....
Isn't THC active at like 200*F or so? Also when taking a pee test they check for a THC metabolite, which the the by-product that your body produces from breaking down the active THC. I would say that you are safe as long as you are not smoking it. MOST pee tests have a threshold cut off of 50/ng and most of my research states that you wont even fail from people smoking around you. You could possibly fail from hotboxing a car, yet very unlikely. I take DOT tests and dont smoke. I handle almost daily and havent failed a test. I did 5 last year.
Thanks Calvin appreciate the info. I hope to be trimming a lot this year :cool: