Indoor tha shizzzzznit

Decided to start the bloom nutes today after a bit of a stretch over tge weekend....shes looking good nbushy alot is going on under ger canopy.
5 weeks tomrow.showed some pistole on wed looks like shes going into flower now.shes a strong lookibg 3rd dift strain from short stuff n 3rd great plant.....
You are correct im Just a fictional writer telling daily stories of pretend crappy plants if i was writing about giant baseball bat buds n awsome grow lights with giant tents id be leary of wanting to read my grow and help me but im just a dude who grows acouple of seeds here n there i dont no anyone in my new town so i like to write stuff on here n recieve some help.....i dont really have anything special to show in a pic....i did spend alot of time in jail over weed several times so its hard enough to write on here cause of my xtreme paranoia of getting areested so taking a pic for all to see n maybe even the fuzz just makes me a big scared if i new afn community would post bail $$$$ id be happy to take a pic but until then its stories only n note stories to impress but to recieve back some help cause lord no s i need it my plants are a struggling at times.
May I boldly suggest that to get the true benefit of the knowledge on here that you figure out how to remove EXIF date from pictures, just Google it or start here

It will be virtually impossible for anyone to help you with the problems you say you have, if they can't see the problem(s) with their own eyes. You will likely also find that any good Samaritans will be reluctant to offer advise when they can't see the problem, because the possibility of giving wrong advise without a visual is now many times higher.

And don't be offended by the "no pics or it didn't happen", that's a quite standard expression..... Rightly so!
Ok....but im not really having any problems...and so far everyone who has given me advice has pretty much been dead happy reading and learning everything i need to no i look up on here.just thought it be nice to write about my little advetures but i keep getting reamed on for not taking pics sometimes it gets a bit jabby at me n i do drinka the beer n get snappy myself but id never rag on simeones post i read if im not interested i scroll on by....acouple of my other little post lately have gotten some harsh comments on.....i shouldnt be so sensitive, its a plant im not competing for the best plant or grow.....i just like to bullshit on here...but if i cant without a pic then my long hair story tellin self will have to fade away.....
Well then, everything is honky dory ........!

I was merely trying to say that pictures is an integral part of online Floraculture and it might be prudent to prepare for posting pics for the day that hopefully never comes.......:thumbsup:
I'm it's all good Mr mcstone...unless yer are fictional..if so don't quit the day job
Do not take anything personal..corgi is right about pics
But most of the guys here will always help best they then ask fer pics...cause we love bud porn...gits my phone all sticky