Photoperiod Test upon tests, dinafems, greenlifebiotics test.


always learning.
6th Year Anniversary
Feb 13, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
granddy purp
Hello and welcome, this journey of tests is happening because of these generous community members
@Dinafem-Mark , Greenlifebiotics, 7east genetics.

Dinafem line up- 2 Gorilla, 1 Purple Moby Dick
7 East Genetics- Regs- 2 cluster cookies, 2 sour dragon Breath, 2 green starburst,

Green Life Biotics- Nutrients- MC Enhancement .6ml throughout all tests , Cal MG 8.5%cal 4.5%Mag as needed and as a foliar spray

Test 1- Veg 5-0-0, Base 0-0-3, bloom accelerate 0.5-17-17, x 3 rates in ml amount to a gal.

Test 2- this will be a combo of test 1 and its options available

Test 3- conventional veg 1 6-0.3-0.6 2.5 cal 1.5mg
Conventional bloom 0 3-3-3 2.5%cal 1.5%mg
Bloom accelerate 0.5-17-17

Airports and smartpots
Coco by CyCo Seamix and worm castings mix

Everyone is up and going don't remember if all were up in the pic but they were before work
Right now i
Hey did you measure your pH and EC of your nute mix? What did you water with so far? I started a few seeds for my test, but curious as to how it mixed up for you? Good luck
Just water with tap water and enhancement micros at .3ml to a liter. I start them rapid routers and their assigned coco mix. As that's a test also. For personal reasons. I won't ph til I start the nutes. Some will be 3 gal some 5 gallon pots. I've never had any trouble mixing the mc Enhancement add of time and using when needed.
HELL YEAH I'm subbed :pop:
Sweet brother glad to have you here!!!! Back to what I know about better my photo girls I'm pretty excited about this. Probably scrog some of these sativa girls to keep a better playing field for everyone. Watch out for the clusters and dragon breath, already have great faith in the dinafem.
Here's the girls the tall ones are the gorillas

Diet- 1 liter tap water in spray bottle
0.3 ml Enhancement MC
