Tent ergo advice

How do you like the ac infinity tents??? I'm debating between them ....secret jardin or gorrila grow
I like the Ac infinity tents they are strong. The heights of the gorilla did not work for me. I have two inches of clearance on my 4x4. If I was to do it againII would buy this highdrogro tent. They make off sizes and there 4 x 4 the sides all zip upward and can be rolled up at the top. They have a white vinyl interior as well. Their pricing was between Ac infinity and gorilla. It is whater tent layout and size that works for your space matters the most.

I like the Ac infinity tents they are strong. The heights of the gorilla did not work for me. I have two inches of clearance on my 4x4. If I was to do it againII would buy this highdrogro tent. They make off sizes and there 4 x 4 the sides all zip upward and can be rolled up at the top. They have a white vinyl interior as well. Their pricing was between Ac infinity and gorilla. It is whater tent layout and size that works for your space matters the most.

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This brand is intriguing. Thanks for suggesting