Indoor Teetee's Multi Strain Madness

good to see you @Ribbzzy mate :pass:.... life is always good (as long as there's weed!)

I'll have to see what you're upto in a mo, just gonna skin up and have a nose around! Is your signature up to date?
It is mate, started a new diary yesterday. Mephisto gear
Back again for a weekend update :welcome:, it's day 28.

I have had a bit of a sort out at the 4 week mark. The Alien and the Mandarine are the same age, but look at how big the Alien is!....
day 28 group.JPG

clockwise from top: Toofless Alien, Cream Mandarine, Night Queen and Pineapple Express

I staked her bigger branches out a little to let more light and air in, but she fills out so fast!
day 28 TA 1.JPG

I have also been trimming away at her leaves..... a few here and a few there......
I don't go mad with defoliation cos as we all know, the leaves serve a purpose. IF those leaves are impeding the growth of anything underneath, like new side shoots, then I try tucking them under but eventually they end up coming off. I dunno how effective a big old fan leaf is gonna be if its right at the bottom, not getting much light and draining precious energy from the plant when she could be concentrating on getting big for me higher up.

I start by removing the big fans from the main stem, 2 at a time. All in all, I've taken about 6-8 off the main stem now on the Alien, plus plenty of stuff underneath and below.....
day 28 TA 2.JPG

What I have noticed is that removing those main stem leaves has slowed down the growth of the main stem itself.... it's healthy but it would be taller now if I had kept the leaves I'm sure of that. On the other hand, the side branches have really grown, they are almost as thick as the main stem, and have grown to the same height as the main stem.... so rather than a Christmas tree I'll hopefully have a flatter hedge with a nice even canopy.
If I go overboard and hack away :amazon:, the whole plant will take a few days to get back up to full power again, ultimately reducing my potential yield. I always think of leaves as little power stations.... get rid of those big old energy inefficient ones to make way for the new breed. BUT take out too many power stations and the city can't function (man, I'm soooooo stoned right now :dizzy: so I'll leave it there).

She's a thirsty one, wanting 5-6 litres a day now, so I have upped her feed to EC 1.0 by adding a touch more A&B (now at 0.4ml/L) and the Nitrogen and Silicone are increased to 0.4ml/L as well.

The Mandarine is also very healthy, so I have increased her feed to EC 1.0 as well. She's always been on the same feed as the Alien. Here she is from above....
day 28 CM 1.JPG

As you can see, there's plenty of action going on in there. I have started training out some of her branches as well, just by holding them down to the edge of the pot with some soft wire.....
day 28 CM 2.JPG

I have left the Pineapple Express and the Night Queen to their own devices, both are very happy, so here they are to finish off this update....
day 23 PE.JPG

The Pineapple Express is getting nice and bushy on day 23. She's had a few fans removed, and you can see the new growth exploding through. She's on an EC 0.9 feed with A&B and Silicon at 0.3ml/L and Nitrogen at 0.4ml/L.

Night Queen is just 15 days old and already showing promise!
day 15 NQ.JPG

I prepared her nutrient and realised I'd mixed up exactly what I'm giving the Pineapple :face:. I'm deliberately pushing her harder as I am using data from my previous NQ grow as a guide to this attempt.
Oh yeah, I finally topped up the Coco!! :yay:
Enjoy what's left of the weekend, mine's over as of right now (after I smoke one more joint) :baked:
Hey hey @Teetee looking gooood!

Thoes mephisto beans really are something else aren't they... For the age that's a big size difference.. Good to see it growing next to some sweet seeds gear, I've got quite a bit of their stuff to get through.

Pop in and say hi I've just started my own indoor thread for whatever's in the tent!

Also where do you get your pots mate, eBay looks like a rip for them.
Cheers @orrganic I'm really looking forward to seeing how they develop, but yeah, the Mephisto Toofless Alien is racing away.

I got my Airpots from but Advanced Horticultural Supplies also do them, despite being an e-bay shop, they are good and reliable, plus you can pay by transfer and avoid going through ebay itself. Just send them an email and they will invoice you.

I'm just enjoying a fat one from a jar marked "Daiquiri Lime A" - harvested 11-11-16. Its so damn smooth., and that Lime taste is just incredible. It's got me in the mood to ramble on and post another update....

It's day 34 of Multi Strain Madness, and it's been a week of good growth again.
The Toofless Alien has just started flowering, and I'm seeing preflowers on the Cream Mandarine XL as well.... both are on 34 days.
The Pineapple Express is just a week younger at 29 days old, and is filling out nicely.... she's taller than the Mandarine already, and looks like she's gonna be a handful.
Night Queen is just 21 days old, and is also looking to be a big one.... she's really grown a lot this week.

Here they all are (apologies for the crap shots, my camera SD card is playing up so I took these on my phone).....

day 34 group.JPG

Clockwise from the top: Toofless Alien, Cream Mandarine, Night Queen and Pineapple Express

The Toofless Alien is settling into early flowering, so she has a lovely wide even canopy....
day 34 TA1.JPG

She's 45cm high and 65cm wide, and on a EC 1.0 feed made up of Cal Mag (0.2ml/L) and base nutes (0.35ml/L) to EC 0.4, Nitrogen at 0.4ml/L, Silicon at 0.5ml/L plus the usual additives of Multizyme (1ml/L) Roots Excellurator (0.3ml/L) and Drip Clean (0.1ml/L). She drinks around 6-7L a day! I have a feeling she would be taller but maybe not as wide, had I not removed her main stem fan leaves.
day 34 TA2.JPG

She's taking up a bit of space now, so I may have to add more lighting for her to bask in....

Cream Mandarine XL is not looking so XL at the moment standing at 31cm high and 48cm wide.....
day 34 CM2.JPG

She's healthy, showing early flowers, but not gaining much in height or width compared to the Alien. I haven't gone mad with trimming and shes not showing brown tips. She drinks about 5L a day the same mix as for the Alien. From above, there's plenty of early flower sites, with another nice symmetrical canopy...
day 34 CM1.JPG

Pineapple Express.... 5 days younger than the Alien and Mandarine, but is bigger than the Mandarine already, and looks like she is going to take up a fair bit of space in the tent as well...
day 29 PE2.JPG

She's 36cm high and 50cm wide, and is on an EC 0.9 mix of Cal Mag (0.2ml/L) and base nutes (0.3ml/L) to EC 0.4, Nitrogen at 0.4ml/L, Silicon at 0.3ml/L and again, the usual additives of Multizyme (1ml/L) Roots Excellurator (0.3ml/L) and Drip Clean (0.1ml/L).
I think she's bigger because I haven't taken many leaves off.... those big fans have been tucked under and the plant has grown up, so they've stayed below, allowing the new shoots to poke through.
This morning I saw early preflowers, so shes heading in the right direction!
day 29 PE1.JPG

Last but not least, the Night Queen, only 21 days old, but catching up in size. I haven't taken any leaves off, and shes filling out nicely....
day 21 NQ2.JPG

She stands 24cm tall and is 40cm wide. I keep her on the same EC 0.9 feed as the Pineapple.
day 21 NQ1.JPG

So altogether, they are doing very well. The older three will start to stretch a bit this week, and I'll stake the Alien out a bit more as she progresses.
The Pineapple may need a bit of staking out as well, to get more light and better air circulation, but I don't want to stress any of them out at this important stage. I'm planning on giving one more week of vegging feeds before I consider adding Bud Ignitor and dropping Nitrogen and Silicon to boost the amount of flowering sites..... I wanna see more upward growth first though, as I think Bud Ignitor inhibits stretch. The Night Queen is really taking off, she looks so different compared to last week.

I was with the kids yesterday in the garden, and 2 big white chickens just turned up, having climbed through the jungle up the (Brown) snake infested hillside.... they look really healthy, seem reasonably tame, and hung around all night, so this morning I got some chicken feed and I'm gonna have to build some kind of chicken coop so they don't get eaten by the serpents. The Pythons will love them for a pre-hibernation feast.

Even I caught myself, red eyed and glazed, looking at them intently at one point, imagining what they'd look like on a plate, steaming hot, out the oven! Who knows, with any luck I might get some fresh eggs out of them!

Have a great weekend y'all!
Its day 41 of Multi Strain Madness, and they are filling out the tent nicely now.......

day 41 Group.JPG

clockwise from top left: Cream Mandarine, Toofless Alien, Pineapple Express and Night Queen

Although its day 41, only the Cream Mandarine and Toofless Alien are actually 41 days old, the Pineapple Express is on day 36 and the Night Queen is only on day 27.......
the CM, PE and NQ are all pretty much exactly the same size.... 40cm high and 55cm wide. The TA is on steroids or something, cos she's 53cm high and 75cm wide.

The @mephisto Alien is looking great, choc full of flowering sites.....

day 41 TA 3.JPG

She's well into flowering now, so I have her on a EC 1.0 mix, keeping everything the same as last week, except I have reduced nitrogen from 0.5ml/L to 0.35ml/L and added Bud Ignitor at 1ml/L. The Bud Ignitor from Advanced Nutrients has an NPK of 0-1-2. She drinks a good 6-7L a day.

I also gave her a good tidy up downstairs and adjusted her stakes to open her up a bit more now that she's stretching up a bit. She went from 43cm high to 53cm in a week! I now have 2 Skyline 400W lights and a Helios 2 over her to really get her going.

Here she is from the side, you can see how big she's gonna get!.....

day 41 TA 1.JPG

In the words of the late great David Bowie..... I'm loving the Alien (though I preferred his earlier stuff)

Anyway, moving on to the others.....

Cream Mandarine (by (@Sweet Seeds) popped the dame day as the Alien, but had a slower start. Shes sprung into action again now though, and has grown from 31 to 40cm this week. Her side stems are beginning the stretch and her flowers are beginning to develop......

day 41 CM.JPG

Again, she's had a good tidy up of her lower quarters, and I've removed a couple of big fan leaves, but I have kept her on the same EC 1.0 feed regime as last week. I will drop her Nitrogen and start adding Bud Ignitor maybe in a week or so..... lets see how she stretches first.

She has the trusty old Helios 6 over her, but shes also getting a bit of light from one of TA's Skylines, I dunno if its my imagination, but that (right) side is growing more than the other side, so I today I will start to rotate her by 90 degrees on a daily basis to even her up.

Pineapple Express (by @FastBuds) next.... 5 days younger than the first two, perhaps looking a little pale and slight curling in her lower leaves, but still growing, moving up from 36 to 40cm this week.....

day 36 PE.JPG

I mistakenly gave her some of the TA feed the other day, plus I removed quite a few leaves so I think she went into shock, cos she stopped drinking completely. I'd give her a jug full and she'd piss her pants (give run off) immediately. Yesterday I gave her a plain water flush, and this morning I gave her a watered down EC 0.9 mix, l think that should pick her up again.

The Night Queen is looking to catch up with her sisters, she's just 21 days old..... 9 days behind the Pineapple, and 2 weeks behind the Alien and Mandarine, but she's also 40cm high, having shot up from 24cm last week. She's on the same EC 1.0 feed as the Mandarine. The Pineapple and the Night Queen have a Photon 126 unit each.

The Night Queen has started to flower very early, making me wonder, was she triggered by the others?

I looked back to my previous Night Queen grows and the 1st one in particular (which gave me a shade under 10 ounces), also started flowering early.... that's fine by me, cos she'll have longer to finish, hopefully giving me another bumper haul of nice fat heavy hitting buds.

day 27 NQ.JPG

The chooks are doing fine...... there's chicken shit everywhere but not one damn egg. I'm beginning to think they ain't hens, just a couple of cocks.

The bastards/bustards have the bollocks to come right up to our front door (full length glass french doors) and stare at me straight in the eye, while they lay their (huge) turds on our doormat, and all over the deck..... I don't remember that on 'The Good Life', Margo would have gone mental.

..... and one of them's got the squits.... it's like a clucking minefield.

Luckily it's been raining so torrentially hard (we're on high flood alert), it's like the place gets jet-sprayed clean again every day.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend..... good growing karma to all!
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Wow, the response to this grow is overwhelming!

It's day 50 over here, time for an update.

The tent is filling out, the Girls have been playing musical chairs again, with the Cream Mandarine and Night Queen swapping places. Now I have the 2 biggest plants (Toofless Alien and Cream Mandarine) diagonal to each other to get the most space, while the smaller Night Queen and Pineapple Express fill in the gaps.

day 50 group 2.JPG

Clockwise from top left: Night Queen, Toofless Alien, Pineapple Express and Cream Mandarine XL.

The Toofless Alien id storming away, moving up from 53cm to 63cm and now 82cm wide....
day 50 TA 1.JPG

She's on an EC 1.0 feed made up of 0.2ml/L Cal Mag in EC 0 rainwater then 0.7ml/L A&B bringing the basic EC up to 0.7, additives are the usual Drip Clean (0.1ml/L) and Roots Excellurator (0.3ml/L), along with Multizyme and Bud XL (both at 1ml/L) and Bud Candy (0.5ml/L). I'm still giving a hint of Nitrogen (0.2ml/L) but Ive stopped Silicone. She gets through 6-8 Litres a day.
The Skyline light is penetrating deep into her thick foliage and it looks like there's gonna be some lovely big buds on her!

day 50 TA 3.JPG

The Cream Mandarine XL is also at day 50, and gaining in size....

day 50 CM 1.JPG

Although she's green and healthy looking - she has grown from 40cm to 46cm, and is 66cm wide - and drinking a good 5-6 Litres a day, she has only just showing signs of flowering.
All her tips are vegging away, but the pistils are only just seen deep within the leafy tops....

day 50 CM 2.JPG

Compare that to the Toofless Alien.....

day 50 TA 2.JPG

.... even the Pineapple Express which is 5 days younger has more flowering going on at the main cola tip.....

day 45 PE 2.JPG

..... and the Night Queen is even younger at day 36 - 2 weeks younger than the Mandarine - and this is her main cola tip in flower....

day 36 NQ 2.JPG

So WHY is the Cream Mandarine so slow to flower????

I was feeding her the same as the Alien last week, but now the Alien has moved onto a full flower nutrient regime the Mandarin needs to stretch and get those flowers growing, so I have kept her on last week's feed still, but slowly move the A&B from 0.3ml/L to 5ml/L then to the same 0.7ml/L as the Alien currently gets. By increasing the Base nutes and reducing the Nitrogen additive (the NPK of the Base nutes is 4-3-9) I will be upping the P and K and not increasing the total N.... maybe that will push her into flowering a bit more.

Now that I have moved her, I'm gonna stake her out a bit to get more air and light into her thick foliage.

I need to start a new post to get more photos in. Back in a min.......
Back again.... hope I didn't miss anything.

The Pineapple Express and Night Queen have been suffering since the last update. About 2 weeks ago, I was stupid/lazy and gave them the same feed as the Alien for a couple of days (instead of getting up of my arse and making the correct feed for them).
The feed had added Bud Ignitor..... I was giving it at the right time for the Alien, and something inside me told me to give some to the Queen and Pineapple - because they had just started flowering. I had made the big mistake of using one feed for all 4 plants and being 2 weeks apart in development, there's no way that would suit each plant's individual needs.

I flushed the Queen and Pineapple, and started them back on a slightly weaker EC 0.9 feed, as described in the last update.

The Pineapple was already looking a bit droopy last update on day 36....

day 36 PE.JPG

But by day 39 she was showing a lot of yellowing of the lower leaves and big fans.....

day 39 PE.JPG

Then by day 43 she was really looking poorly....

day 43 PE 2.JPG

So I have got to work and clipped off all the yellow leaves.... a lot of them just came away easily by hand, and here she is on day 45....

day 45 PE 1.JPG

She's grown about 6cm in the last week, so it looks like she's improving..... but she's still not very happy.... I'm wondering if I should increase the Cal Mag and reduce the EC a touch..... she's on an EC 0.9 mix, but only drinking 3-4L a day.

I'm shocked about the Night Queen, she was doing so well at the start..... but giving her bloom boosters mid way through veg (during week 4) is gonna piss even the hardiest DP Dame off.... so she really went into shock..... I dunno what was worse, the wrong feed or the EC 0 flush? I am giving her exactly the same as the Pineapple Express even though the Pineapple is 9 days older.

Last time you saw her on day 27, she was looking great... she had made great advances in the previous weeks and was showing real signs of promise....

day 27 NQ.JPG

By day 30 she also started showing yellowing in her deeper and lower leaves....

day 30 NQ.JPG

I removed all yellow leaves on day 34......

day 34 NQ 2.JPG

.... leaving her looking a lot thinner!

Now on day 36, she is filling out again, and grown around 3cm taller since last week. but still looking very pale green around the edges of her leaves....

day 36 NQ 1.JPG

Its getting to the stage where I need a separate bucket of feed for each, certainly the Alien and Mandarin have different needs, the Pineapple and Night Queen have to move up a gear or two, and I might have to get serious and tailor make my nute mix for each individual plant.

I would really appreciate your feedback on the poorly Night Queen and the Pineapple..... thanks for looking in!
RE the Queen, is it not a nitrogen deficiency? That starts low and then gets to the younger leaves?
Cheers @Ribbzy I think shes locked out, so not drinking anything so shes probably deficient in everything.

Ive lowered her EC to 0.7 to hopefully kick start her into action. The Pineapple seems to be reviving.

Dealing with the aftermath of ex tropical cyclone Debbie..... we are totally flooded out but on a hill. I might have to get a tow into work.....
