Mate.. would you ever tag a brother when you get somethin goin like.. I've just found this and it started donkeys ago
I never know where to post... in the LED Hydroponic thread or in general grows??? I feel like an idiot tagging loads of peeps, it's like "look at me, look at me..."
just wanted to say look at those numbers in your sig brother.
You'd do the same if you used 25L airpots! Same lights, same beans, same tent! I bet ounce for ounce we're pulling in the same per year!
Perhaps I should mention that the Night Queen from the last grow is running away with the Cream of the Crop competition on UK420 right now? (ahem....)
sheff united the weekend.. those banana skins can be slippy
Gonna be a good night tonight - might watch FUL-EVE, but the main event kicks off at midnight!
Keeping my fingers crossed but West Ham do have a habit of losing to easier sides after a good run against harder teams.... plus I'm not sure about the COVID situation after the International break (ahem...)
Leeds vs Arsenal at 2.30am, then youse lot...
gonna be a great game if... and it's a big IF, I can stay up, k/o at 5.15am

I'm gonna start cropping the Blue Amnesia tonight, so that should keep me occupied!
To relive some of the happy days and help cement him as a Claret and Blue, I made my 8 year old watch this.....
my favourite was the one against Barthez.... best game I've ever been to!