Lighting TaNgs Royal grow....Auto Night Queen.

Some of the slower ANQ is dry and now in jars,this is the one most similar to the photoperiod Night Queen I grew and if she's a Rosin squirter like the photo I will be a happy bunny...


Here's a bud off the quicker plant, amazing taste to this one and I'm calling it the 'Candy Floss' pheno.


Both Auto Night Queen phenotypes together....

Gorgeous brotha! Just gorgeous! Love those macro shots! I bet it's really great medicine too. They need to release this pronto, gotta get some of these! Been wanting to grow Night Queen since the re-release, but my photoperiod skills are not up to par yet. This would probably be great for a lot of people in that way.
Gorgeous brotha! Just gorgeous! Love those macro shots! I bet it's really great medicine too. They need to release this pronto, gotta get some of these! Been wanting to grow Night Queen since the re-release, but my photoperiod skills are not up to par yet. This would probably be great for a lot of people in that way.

Cheers bro...

You can get the Auto NighQueens now.
Ah, found it at Attitude, not at Seedsman yet. (Us yanks can't order yet straight from the DP, yet lol)

Those phenos look pretty close, it looks relatively stable. (Man some of our BBKs are all over the place with phenos haha, not sure that one was stabilized much.)