Taking soil pH readings

Feb 16, 2020
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Hi all
I've just taken my first pH readings & they're all over the place!
So, my new bluelab soil pen finally arrived & I set about taking my very first readings (I'm 41/2 weeks in to my 2nd run - so what I know, you could probably write on a postage stamp (a very small postage stamp)! Anyway, when I took the readings and repeated in the same hole, they seemed to be random numbers. Probably best if I describe what I did in the hope that someone might spot where I went wrong. These were the steps I took:

1. I calibrated the soil pen, as per the bluelab vid (pH7 solution then pH4). Once calibrated, I then rinsed in tap water before use
2. I made a hole in the soil with the probe case, removed it & then put the probe in the hole & waited till it stabilized. I then noted the value it gave.
3. Rinsed in tap water, dried it & then repeated in same hole, a couple of times (rinsing/drying between each time)
4. Rinsed in tap water, then made another hole & took another reading. As above, rinsed in tap water,dried it & then repeated in the new hole a couple of times (rinsing/drying between each time).
5. I then kept repeating, to see if I could get values that agreed with each other, or were very close.

To give an idea of the differences:
Plant 1, hole 1: 5.7, 6.1, 5.7, 6.2 Plant 1, hole 2: 5.2, 5.3, 5.7, 5.5
Plant 2, hole 1: 6.5, 6.5, 5.7, 6.3, 6.5, 6.6 Plant 2, hole 2: 6.8, 6.4, 5.8, 6.0, 6.4, 6.0, 6.3

I'm working on the principle that it's me not the pen for 2 reasons: Firstly I've already had to send back a faulty pen (so it'd be REALLY bad luck if I got 2 duds); secondly, well, I know myself, lol - I'm not the most technically minded person

Anybody have any ideas? If you need more info, gimme a shout.
Thanks y'all
Try rinsing with distilled water.