OLD REVIEWS Taiga#2 outdoor GrowReview

First of all, I'd like you guys to read my posts carefully. I'm putting a lot of effort in this since English isn't my native language. I'm good at it, but sometimes things might come off somewhat rude when I don't mean to. There's a lot of IF's that apply in the suggested name calling, as you might've figured out IF you were a good reader. But some of you aren't, so we're both to blame for putting off bad vibes, I guess. I'll try to keep this straight forward from now on.

Did you grow only the one Taiga2?
Nope, I tried all three. Two in a 9L container, one seperate. The seperate one died due to some birds.
Did you order directly from dp?
Yes I did. Sealed pachkge and all that.

What I am trying to explain here, as you can read in the initial review, is not that I didn't expect any rot at all.. It's just that DP advertises this strain as 'robust' and an all-out-great strain for every grower. So even novice growers should be able to make this work, according to my interpretation of their strain description. I understand everyone's scepticism. Of course. You can see in my photo-album that I've grown a fair share of buds, and since I only receive 'likes' (which to me are superficial) I didn't update any grow logs. I think discussions should be fought with real arguments, just like you do. And sometimes I feel the need for strong language and finger pointing. Again, if you don't like that: this forum isn't for me, quit reading and ban me. I'm only spreading the vibes DP gave me.

Here's a comparison of some regular no-brand strains and the Taiga#2. In the same conditions and treatment.
Plants first week of flowering:

Taiga is on the RIGHT. Seems like quite the difference, don't you think? The bud-pics are at the top of this page in my review.
No Brand Plants, 7th week of flowering:

Buds of the No brand auto amnesia and autohaze:




Sure, all four plants had some rot. The Amnesia started this week only a small .5cm spot, after 7 days of constant rain and high humidity (as you can see, there's a lot of indica! So, is the recipe for rot!). Haze: same story. Taiga #2: after just one shower, in mid-summer, all buds at once started to rot.
Alright, so here's some proof of no-brand genetics vs. superawesomelovely DP genetics. Since taiga was about 75% smaller, and yielded about 250% less, could I blame genetics when all external factors were in fact the same? I think I do.

This is not a problem to solve, just a review. You can either accept it as it is, or write your own.
I appreciate your honest review, thanks for taking the time, and with the pics too.
I grew two this summer, one was stunted and harvested 1g, the other 30 cm tall and harvested 3.5g's.
Not much sun, but got 9g's from an auto durban poison in a smaller pot.
Can't say if that goes in your way but same results for me.
Smelled very good and good smoke though.
I agree with you on criticizing, nobody's perfect, and if there's a problem with a product, it should be told.
I'm still a noob so cannot give a very sharp opinion, still happy to be able to harvest, anyway good smoke for me