Allright, first of all. I'd like to say I've been growing auto's for over four years. This season started out terrible, but when june hit the calendar, things were better. Tropical even!
Height: Lower than lowryders. 30cm max.
Smell: Great, like poo in a salty bouillon soup.
Appearance: Fine, good bag appeal.
Yield: all time low. 5grams a plant.
Price: I've paid for the brand, at least that's what it feels like. Way too much money for what you're getting.
Taiga#2 is probably the biggest piece of overrated outdoor plant I've ever bought for that kind of money. Sizes up to 30 centimeter max. A few raindrops and budrot kicked in. Litteraly everywhere in these plants. Whereas other plants didn't get a single spot, not even in late flowering.

Taiga is compact, short flowering and smells like power plant but that's about it. One seed even came in broken. I still managed to germinate it, but still, it missed half of its shell.
Harvest per plant: 5 grams. Compared to over 50 on my other autos, with the same soil, same watering and same conditions.
So, I've paid 24 euro for about 10 grams of weed and 10 grams of rotten crap. In our country, most cutlings that are illegaly sold are Power Plants and even little kids can grow them (I'm not saying that I agree with those actions). Local dealers ask about €2,5 per gram of high grade outdoor PP. So if you ever consider planting these seeds outdoors: come to the NL and ask a random douche/farmer/hardstyle-fanatic* in oktober if he has some weed. You'll be better off that way. And you don't even need to grow it yourself! Saves the money on nutes and soil.
Since the price of 5 femseeds is about 20 euros (27 US$), I wouldn't reconsider buying these taiga#2s again (32$). Especially if you keep in mind that you get just 3 seeds for the price of 5. And havests are beyond low.
Great strain for indoors, as far as I've seen, though. But never again.

*Look like they've been on crack for a few days, white/black hats pointing upwards, bomberjacks, clothing with 'hardcore never dies', riding scooters and opel corsa's or VW polo's. If you find one of forementioned these things; they'll be able sell you PP.