OLD REVIEWS Taiga#2 outdoor GrowReview

Dec 15, 2012
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Allright, first of all. I'd like to say I've been growing auto's for over four years. This season started out terrible, but when june hit the calendar, things were better. Tropical even!

Height: Lower than lowryders. 30cm max.
Smell: Great, like poo in a salty bouillon soup.
Appearance: Fine, good bag appeal.
Yield: all time low. 5grams a plant.
Price: I've paid for the brand, at least that's what it feels like. Way too much money for what you're getting.

Taiga#2 is probably the biggest piece of overrated outdoor plant I've ever bought for that kind of money. Sizes up to 30 centimeter max. A few raindrops and budrot kicked in. Litteraly everywhere in these plants. Whereas other plants didn't get a single spot, not even in late flowering.


Taiga is compact, short flowering and smells like power plant but that's about it. One seed even came in broken. I still managed to germinate it, but still, it missed half of its shell.

Harvest per plant: 5 grams. Compared to over 50 on my other autos, with the same soil, same watering and same conditions.

So, I've paid 24 euro for about 10 grams of weed and 10 grams of rotten crap. In our country, most cutlings that are illegaly sold are Power Plants and even little kids can grow them (I'm not saying that I agree with those actions). Local dealers ask about €2,5 per gram of high grade outdoor PP. So if you ever consider planting these seeds outdoors: come to the NL and ask a random douche/farmer/hardstyle-fanatic* in oktober if he has some weed. You'll be better off that way. And you don't even need to grow it yourself! Saves the money on nutes and soil.

Since the price of 5 femseeds is about 20 euros (27 US$), I wouldn't reconsider buying these taiga#2s again (32$). Especially if you keep in mind that you get just 3 seeds for the price of 5. And havests are beyond low.

Great strain for indoors, as far as I've seen, though. But never again.
Note: the plants on the side were the same age.

*Look like they've been on crack for a few days, white/black hats pointing upwards, bomberjacks, clothing with 'hardcore never dies', riding scooters and opel corsa's or VW polo's. If you find one of forementioned these things; they'll be able sell you PP.
I have grown hundreds of strains looking for mold resistance, very few breeders can work on mold resistance, because they dont live/breed in moldy conditions.

Sorry you are unhappy, did you search for previous outdoor grows? and any knowledge of mold resistance with these strains??
@Cres: I sure did some research, that amount of money for just three seeds is worth a six-day search engine data gathering.

But taiga is one of the few plants that's hardly described in English, French, German or Dutch growlogs. There were some Polish, but those are quite difficult to read, and they're only about the Taiga no. 1. There wasn't any mold as far as I've seen. However most growlogs were left unfinished. I usually get mold around this time of the year, but not that fast and especially not after just one mild rainshower. The first rain in a month!
Nothing personal, don't get me wrong, but I do not agree that breeders can't work on mold resistance due to the location of their breedingplace/living. Especially if they're a big company. I'm a hobbyistic breeder myself, and when the conditions don't meet my expectations, I influence them. That's what breeding is about right? Making the best plant by forcing it to face every condition possible, and then select the best/hardiest to cross. If I can do that on my own without any money or permits, nutes or even a decent garden, than DP should be able to do just that too. Don't you agree? Since they have permits, money, lots of land, and even an endless supply of seeds and time for research. Besides, they make the claims of this plant being robust, easy to grow and reliable. Well, none of that is true. Maybe the easy growing, but that's the case with every weed to be honest. My slightly negative review - with properly dosaged(/dosed?) critisicm - was even removed from their own website. If they can't be honest to their customers, I'm done with them as my supplier. When none of their promises came true, I knew I've bought a cat in a bag. From such a 'big' name in cannabis-land they truly dissappoint me. I myself can do this better. With just seven years of experience.
If I were a medical user, I'd probably be dead or hospitalized due to infections in my lungs right now. I keep finding more and more budrot in my dried buds. (yes they're flashdried at 55C so there is NO water at all left in these buds, any live fungi should be dead)

I'm breeding a true gem myself right now: autoflowering, flowering since june, still no mold even in the wettest conditions. Genes based on NLX and Haze. Mildew came áfter all the other plants were fully infected, and only one single .5cm spot. Plants like these are a great genetic base to start with. No claims were made by the OG breeder, and seeds cost 20 euro's for 10 pcs. That's when you should expect an unreliable, nonrobust and hard to grow plant. But the truth is; it was exactly the opposite.
Last year I even grafted mildew onto other plants that I've pollinated, just to try and make them more resistant. And it worked. I lost a decent harvest, but I now have a strain that's almost resistant to mildew. If you're afraid to go that extra mile and possibly destroy your plants in the process of making a product better, you're not a true breeder to me. If you then keep promising great results and a robust plant, I consider you a charlatan.
Mold happens, and most of the time it's the growers fault. I just got mold on some resistant plants myself, because I left them out too long and they got rained on. Why is it when people have a good grow it's their doing but when something goes wrong they look everywhere but themselves?

Lay off on the name calling as well, we don't do that here.
@Mr Piggy: I keep asking myself that same question, about inexperienced growers that is. :smoke:
I've been growing non stop for over eight years now, outdoors and indoors, advising growshops and growers from all across the globe. I've earned my stripes and stars on some dutch fora. Therefore I claim the right to point the finger towards the wrongdoer.

I'm an honest person and I treat my reviews like a true experiment: all potted plants are in the same soil, same conditions, same nutes, same watering. If it goes right: good breeder. If it turns out like this case, I wonder; was it me, or is this just crap genetics? Since all other plants did great (as I've described!) I blame genetics. Thus the breeder and it's promises.

We're all aware of the fact that flowering times on packages are off. I'm pointing out in this topic that even strain descriptions can be wrong too.
I can't see why the seedbank/breeder can't make any mistakes at all? Why do people generally think seedbanks can't do anything wrong?

Lay off the orders as well, I'm delivering honest content, I watch hyperactive ads and I'm trying to help people out. If you don't like something I wrote: ban me, or remove my comments if I didn't live up to the forum rules. Please, we're all adults here. You can just ask, no need for ordering.:Piggy Hug:
I've earned my stripes and stars on some dutch fora. Therefore I claim the right to point the finger towards the wrongdoer.

It doesn't matter what you've done anywhere else, you're new here. In your short time you've lambasted a seed company that has a decades old good reputation for something that happens to be your fault, Then you went on to start calling names.

I don't care where you're from, that negative attitude isn't welcome here. It's not about getting to make a stand and get banned, it's about acting like an adult. Please try to do so and let's keep growing.

Did you order directly from dp?
Mabey something went wrong with the seeds!
No need to call names, you should try the seeds again, mabey something went wrong for another unknow reason.
Mabey its one of their weaker strains ?
Remember the vibe you give is the vibe you get in the long run!
Did you grow only the one Taiga2? Maybe try a few more at a time in case you've had some kind of fatal small yielding pheno? It doesn't sound likely coming from DP, their reputation is stellar on this forum and from anywhere/anyone else that I've seen.
If that review you posted to the DP website was worded anything like your initial post I'm not surprised that they removed it. It's kinda hard to prove that its their fault over yours since you are the one that should be accommodating to the plants needs, whether that be feeding or environment issues. Please don't get it twisted I'm not having a go at you at all, just trying to find some sort of conclusion.
Do you have any journals you could post here from the actual grow? or a side by side comparison to how it grew compared to your other seemingly perfect autos? People tend to be sceptical when a new member (to AFN) starts by saying how awesome they are at what they do, years of practise lots of experience etc yet the plant in question provided you with 5g. I don't think I've ever seen an auto yield so little especially in that size container, people have had better results using 1L pots - so its likely that people will question your methods over the vendor.
As you are new to AFN you haven't really had the time to figure out what we're about and how to respect the vibes so try to not rustle any feathers! But saying that you'll find that everyone here is super friendly with a positive attitude towards solving problems - not just their own.
I have no experience with Taiga so I can't advise you all that well but there are DP reps and plenty of DP believers on this forum who I'm sure would be happy to answer some (constructive) questions..never start by pointing fingers :D:
I hope at some point you can get to the bottom of this issue and grow out some big Taigas if you so please, you may just need to tweak your set up as I'm sure you know plant needs vary greatly from strain to strain...Good luck :peace:
Many Reported posts coming in from this thread. Vibe Guard on...:thumbs: