My order showed up 2 syrup's with a few photo's. I have both the syrup's soaking in a shot glass. Its going to be a plain and simple seed crop. Nothing crazy just some cfl's in a closet.... when they pop ill snap some pix... wish me luck:thumbs:
Nothing to brag about.... Their still alive. About 2 weeks till I start spraying with the CS. ( Ill make it in about a week). Im shooting for 200 FEM seeds. Wish me luck
If Im right. They popped on the 26th of jan. By april 1 I should be cutting/ drying seeds for maybe 2 weeks or so. Should be ready to plant new seeds on 4/20 or later depending on weather.
Thats not what I was talking about... after you spray your syrup with cs it will take a week or more to start to reverse then your target plants might be to far into flower to be able to produce viable seed..
I thought the week after they show sex you start the daily CS spraying untill they pollenate.... In the past they show sex at week 2 or so... so start spraying at 2 1/2- 3 weeks old..... what would you suggest ?
Asking I have sts experience and its the same as cs but, there is a delay in the reversal, with sts its almost 2 weeks... Your target plants maybe to far along... I tell everyone if you think you can get it right the very first time its very lucky...
If it was me I would start a batch 2 weeks early to cs or sts and then start the target plants.
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