Sweet Seeds Sweetseeds bloody skunk!

The droop sure looks like over-watering.
Roots screaming out for more oxygen.


Is the medium too moist?
Too compacted?
How is drainage?
@Yozhik I think your right my friend the plants soil was moist in the middle and never really dried out much so yeah mistake learned nvm it's on the road to recovery and considering its like half the age of my cherry bomb it has already shown sex the cherry bomb is behind so I'm glad it's still going good
@Yozhik I think your right my friend the plants soil was moist in the middle and never really dried out much so yeah mistake learned nvm it's on the road to recovery and considering its like half the age of my cherry bomb it has already shown sex the cherry bomb is behind so I'm glad it's still going good

They're very forgiving plants.
As long as you bow before them, apologise, and they can see the sincerity in your eyes - they'll be fine. :pighug:
How much do u water them at only 2 weeks old @Yozhik

To be honest, you're probably better to read a grow by a Master Grower, like @TaNg @Hansbricks @Hazy @sanguine and others of that ilk and experience.
I'm only onto my 2nd grow, so still earning my stripes and learning not to crap in my Canna-Nappies.

HOWEVER - not wanting to avoid the question ... I would be looking at about 1 litre every 2 or 3 days ... but then again, that all depends on the size of the pots, what kind of pots, the medium, etc.

For example, Airpots are going to dry out quicker than regular pots ... a medium with more perlite is going to behave differently to one with lower amounts.

It's one of those touchy feely kinda things ... stick your finger in the dirt ... lift the pot ... get tactile and dirty.

Trust your instincts and build a relationship with your plants.
Don't be scared of them. Unless you really, truly, abuse them to the extremes, they'll forgive you.
The plant will always communicate its needs AND will always show its gratitude when you listen.
@Yozhik thank you for the advice I can understand that. I have only done a handful my self but at the best of times I don't think I ever read what a plant is telling me I just used to seem to get results eventually lol . but now I can get take the time and put a bit more effort in. I will certainly try my best and I think I'm doing alright so far. :cheers:
@Yozhik thank you for the advice I can understand that. I have only done a handful my self but at the best of times I don't think I ever read what a plant is telling me I just used to seem to get results eventually lol . but now I can get take the time and put a bit more effort in. I will certainly try my best and I think I'm doing alright so far. :cheers:

Mate - I'm a procrastinating pedant - bordering on OCD - who regularly suffers from paralysis by analysis.
It took me over 2 years of research and ingesting as much collective knowledge from this site and others, before I pulled the trigger and put beans in the dirt.

My ethos is very, very simple.
Provide the the right environment - have absolute control over tent temps, humidity, extraction, air circulation, pH, EC - i.e. the environment ... and then let the plant do the rest.

Build it - they will come.

That's about the best advice I can give.
Every plant is going to be different.
Even within the same strains, you're going to get different characters being expressed.
As long as you have absolute control over the environmental conditions, and keep it in the sweet spot at all times, they'll grow.
Some will ask for more nutes, some less.
Some will preflower early, some late.
Some will have a greater thirst, some less.

But when the surroundings have been stablised and optimised, this allows you to concentrate on the signals they're giving you, and to have peace of mind that it's not something you have to do in the tent setup - you can focus 100% on their growing needs, and not some faulty piece of hardware or an equipment fault, which just leaves you chasing your own tail in an ever increasing and accelerating blackhole of self-doubt and over analysis.

Sorry - didn't mean to jump atop a soapbox and rant.
You get what I'm meaning ...