Hi Fab'! I'm sorry to say, but from your description I'm almost positive those are the dreaded thrips! Very mobile and fast, poking hole all over the leaf surfaces (top and likely bottom),... if they came outta nowhere like that, I happened like you said-outside (dammit!) LOL! At this late stage, I don't think neem , because of the residues left behind, is a good choice,... a product with Spinosad is the ticket (this stuff is a bug-specific naturally derived neurotoxin made by the names' sake bacteria)... it's organic approved, food safe, blahblah... I used it on my gals, and it's great1 puts them off the feed right away, kills about a day later! Most important is to kill kill kill, now now now!! LOL! they are aggressive spreaders and feeders... most any garden center will some product with this in it (I got Capt'n Jacks dead bug @ Home Despot).... happy hunting!