Sweet Seeds sweet seeds cream caramel auto

Honestly the sooner the better, and you'll want to move it to its final container.
Ok man. I'll do that first thing tomorrow after work and also remove its wee hood. Thanks man

From now on If your gonna go to cups first I would go with 32oz or bigger they'll take you to sex with out any stunting issues,with it as small as it is chances are it's gonna crumble apart with as little roots as there are....Good luck!
It has already broken the soil Nammy.. is that gonna be an issue ?

No problem but don't leave that plastic bottle on to long.She needs fresh air so damping off desease doesn't occur.Are you taking the plant out of the cup or cutting a hole in the bottom when you transplant?
This is the tier method that im not to fond of but you can take and cut the bottom of the cup out and bury it half way in your final pot and the roots will take care of them selves.
Normally its the only way I do it to but it germed a lot quicker than I thought so I popped it in there for a day or 2. After work today it Will be in its final home.