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2ml is fine especially for autos and soil. I dont like to go to much over that as it seems to effect the plants. What you have now with the Rhizo is perfect. dont over do it.
Hey folks..

Another update.

Since giving the rhizotonic the growth has started again as you can see in the pictures also there is a pic where you can see where I have tied down and the stems have bent .. Does it look ok? And since my last feed I have noticed a few burn tips on the 2 very first fan leaves and some spots on another. Is this something to be worried about. All new growth is fine.

Cfl is now back in there and as you can see she is reaching right up to it.



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Seems like no big deal at the moment....
For the moment yes,

What I need to know is the best actions to try and avoid it getting worse ?

I'm sorry if my journal is not exciting enough to warrant an answer to my questions.
Just offering what I can...the implication of my statement being...do nothing, hold pattern, see if it progresses or not, no action warranted yet.
A good rule of thumb which applies in all things in life "measure twice cut once". How that applies in this situation is you need to get a handle on why the tips are burning/you're getting spots before doing anything, and so for the time being waiting and watching is called for.

On the point of not getting many responses I'd like to respond honestly: You need to start keeping a better log. What are you feeding, when are you feeding, what's the source and PH of your water, what's the PH of your runoff, have you made a slurry to test the PH of your soil? What are your temps, daytime, nighttime. What's the room humidity? People will be more likely to answer if they have enough information to at least be able to intelligently guess. I really don't mean this to be a dick, I'm trying to help you.

From what I'm seeing in the pics they look good, nice and healthy.