The tale of three sisters continues, oldest is 35 days (center) and 32 inches, next is 31 days (right) and 25 inches, far left is 28 days and 23 inches. The tallest has been defoliated to let more light get to the buds, not the best idea but maybe I can still get a few good buds yet. The other two are still looking OK and only the smallest seems to be growing taller. The tallest got cleaned with 10ml a gallon of sledgehammer and a round of bloom nutes, 10ml big bloom, 4ml each of tiger bloom, microbe brew, kelp me, kangaroots and 1/8 tsp beastie bloomz at 6.7ph. The other two plants have feed again before a shot of sledgehammer later this week or this weekend at the latest. Had to stop with the kief, things were getting out of hand. Wife asked if I was trying out for a part on the "walking dead".