Indoor Swamps magical adventure part deux!!!!!

Swamp you have anything to do with that power outage?

And what ya name that travelin puppy you got?

Not me brudda ....and his name is changed to Womanizer ...he seems to only find hot chicks to take him home ....
He is always in some kinda shit too ...

Ok so im getting friggen impatient damnitt .
Seems we are way behind and growing again has been a headache last few days ladies don't like to eat that much I Have been feeding only Vitamino and molasses ...pffft they getting alot better they got to much bloom too fast so I should coast out at 1/4 tsp of 4-26-26 ...i thought they could handle half dose ....NOPE ...
SO we got some sipping ladies and they do fine ..

However them MCs want more ..this is truly bringing on some patience summn I never had even stoned !!!!

My ph is fine but my plants look like they aren't ..

Not bad shape but getting weak ...i definitely had to much PK .IN THEM so I think im locking out N ...its been getting alot better in the new growth that's exploding like crazy but some fans are going wack again ...
That and im overwatering again so from now on them leaves gonna be drooping before I feed them again fuck it ....gotta lot of seeds too tho
Ladies getting close
Josie 1 has begun to go yellow and everything is straight she's really packing on her little flowers ...

DFG WELL she has seem to just take a shit she's got about a .25 worth im assuming and has been a bitch to keep happy ...seems she can drink just water and be perfectly fine

And my really purple Mc ..she has been quite funny as well ....
Still trying to figure a way for some porn but I decided to post to give everyone a mental picture lol
Swampbro! I'm so sorry it took me so damn long to get subbed and in here!! I'll catch up from the beginning soon as possible bro! I'm here from here on out.. :smokebuds:
Shit im close to almost done ...they looking mighty ripe bro and a collection of porn to try and get up ...
Welcome bro ...they ain't much but I created some monsters when done right ..
And the next shall be Cream Chesse Dragon ...the frost should be Rididiculously residue ...
Can wait to do a big run ...
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....where the pic's.........................
Well I got a bunch in email from a camera lets hope for tonight im gonna try ....if it don't work well I guess I'll just get stoned