get an android based phone. not only are the apps much more affordable or generally free, there is some big stuff on the horizon for androids. Ubuntu ( a freeware linux distrubutor) is working on a complete phone OS that is totally linux based. I saw a video of it in action the other day and the interface was amazing. On top of that it will seamlessly dock with any computer using just any major operating system and allow you to pull pics off of it as if the phone was just another disc on the file system. this operating system for phones has been confirmed available for the current/future androids and no others so far. android already does this however, most providers force you to accept a bunch of junk you may or may not want running on your phone. the only way to get around that is root your phone. which basically means voiding any warranty to service you may have with the cell phone provider. Anyways, grab an android if you hate how clunky your current phone is.