Outdoor surprise---surprise


Dragon Addiction Councellor
Aug 28, 2011
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a few months back i had a couple plants in the bush.when i went to chop them i threw a dozen seed in soil and left--this morning i decited to take a walk and this is what i found--no watering--no ferts-- 100_5375.jpg100_5382.jpg100_5381.jpg100_5380.jpg
100_5379.jpgthese were diesel ryder x cronic- with alittle dragon in there somewhere--like gomer says surprise ,surprise
100_5388.jpg100_5387.jpgand here it is trimmed a bit--not bad for no work at all!!!100_5386.jpg
so i returned and applied another 50 seed---maybe a fall crop--who knows--at least its good and wet right now!i mixxed--10 cronic--10 diesel--10 jems- 10 duurty dragons--10 BHD mixed them together and sowed into soil.--will return 4 weeks from today to fert and remove males not to return for 60 days to cut!!!if anything is there.
Awesome T! That is cool. Not too shabby at all my friend.
Apparently I'm not walking in the right places, great find!
if you walkin where i walk you might<will>get shot!!!!
Sorry I commented.... I found a bunch of 5ft tall plants last year (on public land, in full bloom), and wrote the grower a note. I let him know I found his plants and that he should probably find another spot (with less foot traffic). I DIDN'T TAKE ONE BUD FROM HIM AND I WOULDN'T FROM YOU EITHER.:peace: Good Luck in your grows.