Indoor superskunk auto

Feb 23, 2015
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Hi dudes and dudets. Just wandering can u trim fim top or lollipop autos?
Look up a user named faded187 he's has success with fim, but he's done it various times so he's experienced at it. General rule of thumb is no, autos have a predetermined life span, they have no time to recover , if you're thinking about it because of space, try something easy first like leaf tucking.
Hey how far along is ur skunk auto? I'm growing one myself so curious as to how yours is doing?
Topping & FIMing, yes, but most don't care for lollipop'ing- it doesn't mean you can't do it, just be prepared for a lower yield...
I've found that making little cuts and braking some branches a little during the first weeks of veg, maybe week 3-6, the branches grow stronger and bigger then they would've looking at the branches they surrounded. I'm not sure if that was just me. I accidentally topped a part of it and that branch yielded less then the surrounding ones.

That's just what I've noticed, don't know if this might be of help.
I've found that making little cuts and braking some branches a little during the first weeks of veg, maybe week 3-6, the branches grow stronger and bigger then they would've looking at the branches they surrounded. I'm not sure if that was just me. I accidentally topped a part of it and that branch yielded less then the surrounding ones.

That's just what I've noticed, don't know if this might be of help.
Just a thought as devils advocate, not saying your wrong or anything just a thought, what if it yielded less because it spent its energy from that branch, to rebuild the other one.
Just a thought as devils advocate, not saying your wrong or anything just a thought, what if it yielded less because it spent its energy from that branch, to rebuild the other one.

A very good question!

In my experience the yield can be increased or decreased depending on how you, 'train' your plants & doesn't take long to understand the basics of :)
What about light again. This is a stab in the dark. the auto part of plant the light doesn't matter but the skunk part does that need the 12/12 or am I talking balls?