Super cropping at advanced stage.

Jun 29, 2016
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Morning all.

Bit of advice / reassurance required.....

I've super cropped the main colas of the 2 plants in my tent due to closeness to lights. Just commencing 3rd week of flower.

The colas appear to be fine 14 hours after the event but due to their weights I'm not sure they'll stand to attention again. [Not a huge problem as I've laid them carefully between buds and leaves and they're supported.]

Literature online gives conflicting information - Have I fooked up at this advanced stage or will the buds benefit from an even canopy and the additonal light?

Any advice most welcome.


[Will have photos uploaded this evening.]
Having pics to look at would help. Generally, in my case and in my most humble opinion, you should be perfectly fine. 3 weeks into flower for an auto is still pretty early considering they flower as early as week 3. I have supercropped 100% of anything I can squeeze my fingers in between. When they get that knuckle upon recovery, I was told it creates a larger passage for nutes to reach buds. So its even beneficial it seems!

Fwiw, I notice fatter buds on supercropped branches compared to non cropped ones. Not super significant in difference but noticeable if you look for it.
Having pics to look at would help. Generally, in my case and in my most humble opinion, you should be perfectly fine. 3 weeks into flower for an auto is still pretty early considering they flower as early as week 3. I have supercropped 100% of anything I can squeeze my fingers in between. When they get that knuckle upon recovery, I was told it creates a larger passage for nutes to reach buds. So its even beneficial it seems!

Fwiw, I notice fatter buds on supercropped branches compared to non cropped ones. Not super significant in difference but noticeable if you look for it.

Thank you for allaying my concerns. Excited to see how things turn out over the next couple of weeks.

On close inspection no stems have split so I guess the omens are good! :smoking:
Morning all.

Bit of advice / reassurance required.....

I've super cropped the main colas of the 2 plants in my tent due to closeness to lights. Just commencing 3rd week of flower.

The colas appear to be fine 14 hours after the event but due to their weights I'm not sure they'll stand to attention again. [Not a huge problem as I've laid them carefully between buds and leaves and they're supported.]

Literature online gives conflicting information - Have I fooked up at this advanced stage or will the buds benefit from an even canopy and the additonal light?

Any advice most welcome.


[Will have photos uploaded this evening.]
they will be trying to reach the light again i can guarantee ive supercropped very late in flower and i think done at the right time it makes them explode i dont know if she pumps tons of hormones out but the girls ive needed to supercrop ive always had bumper harvests .so as long as they're healthy you will be all good and you said you never split the stem so even better
they will be trying to reach the light again i can guarantee ive supercropped very late in flower and i think done at the right time it makes them explode i dont know if she pumps tons of hormones out but the girls ive needed to supercrop ive always had bumper harvests .so as long as they're healthy you will be all good and you said you never split the stem so even better

also my buddy @Equatorial goes wild with bending and training so top advice off him pal

Thanks Tom.....sorry...St. Tom!

One of the supercropped colas is quite heavy even at this stage - you're of the perception that it will attempt to errect [!] itself in due course?
also my buddy @Equatorial goes wild with bending and training so top advice off him pal

Thank you buddy! I got a lot to learn from you.

Space is rather empty now. Waiting on early Sept to start a new round.

Ignore that beat up plant although she has huge ass buds! That younger Berry Bomb is my latest fave! So easy to train and beautiful internodal spacing!
Thank you buddy! I got a lot to learn from you.

Space is rather empty now. Waiting on early Sept to start a new round.

Ignore that beat up plant although she has huge ass buds! That younger Berry Bomb is my latest fave! So easy to train and beautiful internodal spacing!

Wow...Impressed I am.
Thanks Tom.....sorry...St. Tom!

One of the supercropped colas is quite heavy even at this stage - you're of the perception that it will attempt to errect [!] itself in due course?

It will try. If its too heavy, it won't succeed and you get a good knuckle at the bended point. Some growers tie the cropped branch down to prevent it from straightening up.

I just watch and observe. You can always soften her up again for slight bending. As long as not too late into flowering. Definitely not last 3 weeks. I use supercropping to sorta position my bud sites. Space them just enough apart. Along with LST, can give you good control over final shape of plant. My 2 cents.