New Grower Suki's Perpetual Grow-a-thon

Day 66 - Knows Candy #1
Day 62 - SBAK

The now left side of this one almost looks like a different plant lol. The darker more healthy green on the parts that were getting less light leads me to believe that the light intensity was contributing to the deficiency and by turning it down some I was able to let the plant catch up a bit. Hoping that moving her to a spot with less intense light will help her out some more while allowing me to turn the lights back up for the ladies who were enjoying basking in more photons.
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The now left side of this one almost looks like a different plant lol. The darker more healthy green on the parts that were getting less light leads me to believe that the light intensity was contributing to the deficiency and by turning it down some I was able to let the plant catch up a bit. Hoping that moving her to a spot with less intense light will help her out some more while allowing me to turn the lights back up for the ladies who were enjoying basking in more photons.
Fine deduction :thumbsup:
Sounds logical
Day 29 - Knows Candy #2

Honestly she's just this stunning stout little thing at the moment, her huge fat fingered fan leaves are just so lush and appealing. Considering the amount of stretch her older, weirder sister went through I'm expecting her to just take off like crazy any minute now.
Looking great Suki!
Thanks! Cannot tell you how long I stared at the live feed yesterday before deciding it was going to drive me absolutely batty if I didn't get in there and rearrange lol.

Fine deduction :thumbsup:
Sounds logical
Thanks! You hear a lot of debate about "light burn" with LEDS, with some saying that the term is a relic from the HPS days and it isn't applicable, while others arguing till they're blue in the face that it absolutely *is* a thing. My understanding is that an LED is kinda like a salt nute in its efficiency and availability to be utilized by the plant, and that oftentimes what LED users write off as "light burn" is infact their plants showing more hunger due to the fact that their plant is using up its stored nutrients so much faster under the diodes. Of course, this is completely ignoring other pressure related aspects of nutrient and water uptake, but you know what I mean lol. Of course that's not me saying "PUMP THEM FULL OF NUTES!!" But it seems pretty logical to me, and is pretty consistent in my findings in the 4x4 with plants directly under the TSW2000 when its turned up. I'm definitely evaluating and adjusting strategies for amending before and through the transition period in order to avoid this in the future. All the dry amendment stuff is new to me though, so its really just a matter of learning as I go.

ETA: Oh, and add to that the fact that I was dosing heavily with humic/fulvic acid, which makes the nutrients more available and allows the plants to utilize higher levels of nutrients very likely burned through my available nutrients more quickly than I realized. Also starting to think that defoliating in any real capacity before flowering has well and truly set in can be detrimental in these cases as you're removing that stored nitrogen that otherwise would be available for the plant to use up from the lowers before cannibalizing the upper leaves. Pure speculation on my part but seems consistent with my current hypotheses re light/nutrient storage/uptake etc.
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