New Grower such a range of answers

Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tried looking online and seen similar sort of diaries but not really a guide. What can I expect too yield per plant on average doing 10 auto cream caramels under a 600w hps inside 11l pots? Hoping no less than an oz per plant?

Also I see cream caramel rated quite high by everyone else aswell is there like a top of autos like same 5 that are named regular as being a good smoke.
depends on alot of different factors but i would say youll get an oz atleast if you have no huge issues/setbacks.
Depending on pheno I would say 30-40 grams a plant in good conditions.. :2cents:
I got 65grams from one of my cream caramel,but my other two gsve me about 40grams each
Understand a lot of answers hence why I gave as much info about the set up. Feel anything under an oz per a plant would be a waste of time :/. Smoke wise does the cream caramel stand out as one of the best auto smokes?
The key to high auto yields is to get them as big is possible during their veg period, the firsts 5-6 weeks. Any issues that stunt them during that critical period will result in lower yields. My last grow is a good example. My pH swung up a bit, hitting about 6.8. This happened while I had family visiting for a week and I was not able to address it right away. By the time I was able to get my pH back in line the damage was already done. Where I normally average around 2.5 oz. per plant, these are all only about 1.5 oz.

I always get consistently good yields from Mi5, also with Onyx and Auto Assassin. Mi5 has given me 3 oz. per plant grown in Pro Mix. In DWC it can double or even triple. The new Think Different from Dutch Passion is also giving some big yields.
I averaged about an oz per, using 1gal pots, when I grew out the CC's. This is a very potent strain... I let mine go amber and it was toooo much... unless you're having trouble sleeping, then it should be just what you're looking for. :peace:
Cheers for the replies. Got about 3weeks veg left with my liberty haze then I'm 8weeks switching too flower then its straight on with 5cc and 5 whatever else I decide after reading. Honestly wish I done autos from the start. Amount of time waiting from seed is killing me with normal strain.
Oh you're gonna love the CC ninja. :thumbs:

I messed mine up somehow when she was real young and she stayed real short, but she did get real fat and I got 30g off of her. She had a very few ambers and like Joe Dirt said, a sleep aid... Best sleep aid I've had. Otherwise it's an awesome, mellow high. And tastes really fine!