OLD REVIEWS Submit Your Autoflower Potency Lab Results!

This is mephisto freebie double grape x sour stomper.

Seems like it's important with tcheck to make sure it's cured for a while and to wait close to the 15 min max time for creating the tincture to test.

Nukehead 50 watt mixed natural full spectrum and pink full spectrum I need an idea you guys help me out PM me or email me and idea for making an ultimate grow light like a 3 ft by 3 ft sheet of aluminum diamond plate or something similar and then taking computer processor fans and mounting them on the opposite side of the plate either welding it together or thermally bonding it together and then mounting the LED cab directly on the opposite side so that way you have the sheet of aluminum and the heat sink and the fan blowing on it and I should be able to mount 250 watt cop chips side by side next to each other I'm working on a project now I've already built three grow lights two sides lights with mixed lighting full spectrum pink with the blue green ultraviolet chip mix


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Nukehead 50 watt mixed natural full spectrum and pink full spectrum I need an idea you guys help me out PM me or email me and idea for making an ultimate grow light like a 3 ft by 3 ft sheet of aluminum diamond plate or something similar and then taking computer processor fans and mounting them on the opposite side of the plate either welding it together or thermally bonding it together and then mounting the LED cab directly on the opposite side so that way you have the sheet of aluminum and the heat sink and the fan blowing on it and I should be able to mount 250 watt cop chips side by side next to each other I'm working on a project now I've already built three grow lights two sides lights with mixed lighting full spectrum pink with the blue green ultraviolet chip mix
This isn't the place for that post. Mods feel free to delete my post because it doesn't belong in this thread either.l
What do you mean this isn't the place for the Post it says random things submit your thing submit how you mount your things you're saying I can't post a picture of a girl light I built if that's the case just kick me out of this forum now that's f****** retarded
What do you mean this isn't the place for the Post it says random things submit your thing submit how you mount your things you're saying I can't post a picture of a girl light I built if that's the case just kick me out of this forum now that's f****** retarded
Site issue at moment but it posted you post in thread for submitting potency results lol
Feel free to erase the duplicate messages too :thumbsup:
Oh my bad LOL yeah cuz I was just looking at it it said post how you mount your cobs this is a big issue for me I'm trying to figure out a way to make like the ultimate 3 ft by 3 ft or 4 ft 4 ft giant like sheet to where it's like a canopy of lights on a giant aluminum sheet and I was going to drill a bunch of holes in it so the air can pass through and then mount we'll just read my post anybody have any ideas
Site is acting weird atm so coulda sent u to the wrong place or something! Why it’s been posting multiple replies for u and me! After u hit post reply gotta refresh screen to see your message has posted and didn’t say at the time!
Click submit one ;)