OLD REVIEWS Submit Your Autoflower Potency Lab Results!

I would love to know this as well! Mine is just dried and had my first joint yesterday and holy shit, it was the purest experience I ever had. It started with strong sativa vibe but after finishing a joint, it knocked me out and slept 3 hours out of nowhere.

That's certainly encouraging. How long did she go? Did she get super big? I'm planning 3g in coco/autopot and am worried she'll out stretch whatever else I decide to plant with her.
Also if we put this into a spread, what information is the most important to list? I think there's a point where we're just repeating information that could be read on the lab report (which every submission WILL have the lab report linked to it, which is what helps give this credibility, otherwise we're just buttholes typing words and numbers on the internet.)

It can be as detailed as we want or as simple, and this is being built out on Google spreads. I'm going to see if there's any way to display the table in the post where users can sort, otherwise we may be able to just link to the locked spread sheet and users can treat it like a normal Google doc. Having the ability to freeze top frame and sort by category is huge though.

Here's a screen shot of the spread done up in Google; you should be able to view the spread on the first post on this thread.

The idea will be to have each image in it's own thread possible, or I may be able to just link the image direct, but EVERY listing will have a link to the actual lab test.

This is a rough fill-in, I didn't fill in entries for some of the listings clearly, but some of these labs are far more detailed than others.

Also, some list THC as a total, and others list THC and THCa, so we may need to figure out a way to specify.

Also also, some labs didn't list total cannabinoids. I don't know how accurate it would be to just add what's on the lab and put that in (since there are more than just the major active cannabinoids.) Thoughts on this?
That looks good no sense putting everything in there since people will be able to look at the lab report

The rationale for including anything in a sortable spreadsheet would be to sort on that info. So if someone were interested in finding an auto with the highest CBD labs (or more interesting, sorting on CBD:THC ratio), that could be easily done. The only column there I see that could be dropped based on that criteria is the handheld device column. Doesn’t seem at first glance to add anything valuable to know testing method. But the testing lab inclusion is great! edit: Ah I see the handheld is a home device? Maybe just label it that with the understanding it'll only provide potency info?

Looks great, SOH! It’d be cool to say map the 2019/2018 meph catalog and dare I say night owl and others to this format and include characteristics they describe like (expected) cycle time, size, yield, terpenes, and if it’s a good hash candidate (this could be a 1-5 scale or something?). Happy to help enter this data as well if needed!
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The only column there I see that could be dropped based on that criteria is the handheld device column. Doesn’t seem at first glance to add anything valuable to know testing method. But the testing lab inclusion is great! edit: Ah I see the handheld is a home device? Maybe just label it that with the understanding it'll only provide potency info?

I included that because I do think the testing device is important to know as some units handle testing different (there isn't even a standardized method of testing for labs, some methods involve heat (which can decarboxylate the product,) etc.) For an example, I own a tCheck2 and I've tested against a commercial lab and found the total cannabinoid readouts were very similar, but then I find a dozen people online in other places that say tCheck2 is shit, etc. Or look up the comments about the MyDx units, very hot/cold. Just food for thought, if we get more feedback about it we'll take a look for sure!

I'm not sure if I can put sorting options in the spread that will also show up within the thread, so this may exist both as a link to the spreadsheet (where you can sort,) and then in-thread for a "at a glance".