OLD REVIEWS Submit Your Autoflower Potency Lab Results!

Yes. Filters out particulate obviously and allegedly other non cannabinoids. I'm sure the filter is important. Exactly how effective is another question
I wonder if anyone has done a comparison of the results of a home kit and an actual lab test.
Yes @Son of Hobbes said they use 1 at the commercial facility he works at before sending off for actual lab test and he said they were surprisingly close! Usually couple % points is all but he can tell u how well cuz I haven’t tested raw flower just yet!
Think the MyDx or whatever it’s called is around $800 and it will do thc/cbd/cbg n the likes! Or if u want a digital chromograph (think what it’s called but too early to google search) u can get the Purpl Pro and it’s $1500! It’s what Roc uses for all his tests but I ain’t got that kinda cash to spend!

Batch before last of oil I made (results I shared) came to the 161mg so took 1/2 that oil (1cup) added a cup of uninfused oil with it and ran it over another batch of stem n leaf trash and jumped it up to 220mg/tbsp! Got the expansion kit to test flowers but it was $150 and does 10 tests so gonna return it and buy stuff off amazon to piece together what’s needed to do flower test cuz it is around $120 to get the stuff but can do 100 tests!

I thought the same thing when I got the add on kit too. I kept it but I'll buy replacement items off Amazon.
Thinking about getting one of those tCheck devices. In my searching I've noticed the company that 1st made them only calls it tCheck on their site (tCheck,me) and it's 299.00 . lifestylefocus device is calls their device tCheck 2 and it's 50 bucks cheaper........Is it a knock off device or is it part of Engineered Medical Technologies. Inc . Hate to cheap out and it break or give crap readings with no support.
Same 1 I ordered mine thru that lifestyle by focus place cuz I could use affirm and make payments on it!
tCheck Potency Tester: 2021 Review and Buyer's Guide
tCheck 2 is the latest iteration of Engineered Medical Technologies potency tester and boasts new features and upgraded testing capabilities.
From CNBS website. Seems legit.