Outdoor Subarctic bush bud

This weekends update. Shitty cool (7 C/ 45 F) and rainy weather, snow further north but I'm still hoping for weeks of growing yet. Some of my seeds were not automatic maybe early sativa (pollen from hermies or photos) unlikely to get any yield. Definitely one pack of store bought is photo Northern Lights not auto. Lots of mini Lowryder X's finishing.

Early Wonder Skunk (unlikely to see any yield, it is early starting to bloom under 20 hours of daylight but is not in full bloom).

A family pic with a variety of sisters/cousins. Top of pic 2 large early but not full autos (no bud for me), at bottom a couple of autos the one with good color.

Another group similar to last little autos with large useless ones.

Enough crying. Tag on this one says Pakistani Ryder. I like it.

Why do the pictures get turned? Wild Thai Ryder needs weeks of sun yet.

Nice plant, Auto Durban Poison. I love Xmas trees but this dense structure can go moldy.

Sugar Black Rose Auto. Nice.


Hopefully more later.
Pulled a few of the earliest auto crosses and 3 Bubba Kush Auto all buds on a stick (lucky if 10 plants yield an oz). A few of the more photo or early but not full auto plants (EWS and my own seeds) are blooming but the odds of a late frost or other trouble does not give me confidence in a significant harvest. I have pulled in crops of immature 'sativa fluff' before and it was hardly worth making oil out of. First batch of seeds, I think fertilized June 28, Haze XXL Auto momma x early stinky auto male gets collected next week. Pulled pollen from freezer, did a bit of pollen chucking as well.

Travelling so much while waiting for plant maturity drives me crazy but at least I can check the weather on the internet - cooling nights but no frost, warm sunny days, ya baby keep it up mother nature as always I dedicate the harvest festival to you.

From last weekend, Sugar Black Rose Auto warming up in the sun.


Slow ass Northern Lights Auto, couple of hers sisters are even slower.


Auto Duran Poison compact version.


Auto Durban Poison aka Foxy Lady.


Pakistani Ryder


Not all plants are equal, some Lowryder auto crosses, my dirty little secrets.


Next week hopefully some decent plants get harvested. A bud in the hand is worth two in the bush or something like that.
Decent season after massive seedling kill off at the start. Three plots (Grow Your Own Stone - One for cops, One for rip-off man, One for me) mostly finished with only small donation to rabbits/hares and now frost. Best yield was Pakistani Ryder (80 g biggest) and Sugar Black Rose Auto (65 g) came in second. A variety of curing smoke for the long winter ahead, and there was a donation made to many of my friends to celebrate the bounty of the harvest festival. So after a hard frost finished some late Northern Lights Auto ( I got one in a few days ago a bit early but while I complain about them not being an early auto I should note I still get 13 plus hours of daylight),

but still chugging away... Early Wonder Skunk

just a short drive away and unscathed by frost, not finished but very stinky, very sticky and even with a frozen or early harvest worth my time. Also a few other late crosses with a bit of frost damage but needing more weeks and light than I'll get. I'll have to grab some iso.

I'll post some of the better bud porn from the season a bit later.
Decent season after massive seedling kill off at the start. Three plots (Grow Your Own Stone - One for cops, One for rip-off man, One for me) mostly finished with only small donation to rabbits/hares and now frost. Best yield was Pakistani Ryder (80 g biggest) and Sugar Black Rose Auto (65 g) came in second. A variety of curing smoke for the long winter ahead, and there was a donation made to many of my friends to celebrate the bounty of the harvest festival. So after a hard frost finished some late Northern Lights Auto ( I got one in a few days ago a bit early but while I complain about them not being an early auto I should note I still get 13 plus hours of daylight),
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but still chugging away... Early Wonder Skunk
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just a short drive away and unscathed by frost, not finished but very stinky, very sticky and even with a frozen or early harvest worth my time. Also a few other late crosses with a bit of frost damage but needing more weeks and light than I'll get. I'll have to grab some iso.
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I'll post some of the better bud porn from the season a bit later.
good yield on the PR and SBR!
I hate to buy auto seeds that aren't auto!!!!! Had 2 this season that would only preflower, a waste of greenhouse space that could have produced bud